on 05-11-2014 10:25
on 05-11-2014 10:25
Does anyone use them? Has anyone tried them and gone back to smoking analogues? Has anyone used them and stopped smoking/vaping altogether?
Does anyone have any concerns about their use?
I was a smoker for 19 years until last year when I made the switch to e-cigarettes, specifically the cig-a-like type you can find in supermarkets such as Tesco. After a month of using both cigarettes and the e-cigs I moved over exclusively to e-cigs and haven't looked back. I have not smoked a cigarette for 12 months now and feel much better for it.
I can breath. I don't smell. My clothes don't smell.
I've now moved away from the cig-a-likes and have a proper setup with battery, tank and juice.
So, is anyone else on here a vaper?
on 05-11-2014 14:45
It's lovely bob and no calories
on 05-11-2014 15:14
on 05-11-2014 15:14
@Anonymous wrote:It's lovely bob and no calories
I suppose once you are weaned off them @Anonymous Vanilla custard might become acceptable. However until I stop craving nicotine I don't think vanilla custard would hit the spot....:smileywink:
But good on you for giving up the dreaded ciggies
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 05-11-2014 15:25
Thanks den it's still got nicotine in it but as I make the juice myself I drop it down a milligram each month
on 05-11-2014 15:41
on 05-11-2014 15:41
@Anonymous wrote:Thanks den it's still got nicotine in it but as I make the juice myself I drop it down a milligram each month
I really do commend you for it Damien... Note to self...Must try harder> No.. it is on the cards for sooner rather than later...:smileywink:
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 05-11-2014 15:49
on 05-11-2014 15:49
I've never smoked but I think I could get hooked on Toffee and Vanilla Custard.....aaahh.....that's not the point is it
So when you "vape" is it like this ?
on 05-11-2014 15:53
on 05-11-2014 15:53
on 05-11-2014 16:32
on 05-11-2014 16:46
@Beenherebefore wrote:
So when you "vape" is it like this ?
yes and no!
What you're looking at there is a Hookah or Shisha Pipe where tobacco is burnt or heated and the vapor is passed through water (to cool it) and then through the mouthpiece.
What we are all using is alot smaller (think about the size of a pen), has a battery and a tank, and uses juice (consisting of nicotine, flavouring and either Propylene Glycol or Vegetable Glycerine) rather than tobacco. Basically looks something like this...although we're all using something different:
on 05-11-2014 17:59
on 05-11-2014 17:59
So in effect, a mini Hookah which uses no substance being burned but utilises a chemical reaction induced by heat......sounds to me like an ideal piece of equipment to use as a personal portable still