on 05-11-2014 10:25
on 05-11-2014 10:25
Does anyone use them? Has anyone tried them and gone back to smoking analogues? Has anyone used them and stopped smoking/vaping altogether?
Does anyone have any concerns about their use?
I was a smoker for 19 years until last year when I made the switch to e-cigarettes, specifically the cig-a-like type you can find in supermarkets such as Tesco. After a month of using both cigarettes and the e-cigs I moved over exclusively to e-cigs and haven't looked back. I have not smoked a cigarette for 12 months now and feel much better for it.
I can breath. I don't smell. My clothes don't smell.
I've now moved away from the cig-a-likes and have a proper setup with battery, tank and juice.
So, is anyone else on here a vaper?
on 05-11-2014 11:58
Are you doing your own coils? I'll admit that i really can't be bothered with the hassle so I'm still just buying the prebuilt atomisers for the Protank
Whats your favourite flavours? I've never really deviated away from Menthol. I've got loads of bottles of different flavours in the house but I always end up back on the Menthol
on 05-11-2014 11:59
on 05-11-2014 12:05
on 05-11-2014 12:05
on 05-11-2014 12:07
on 05-11-2014 12:07
@MI5 wrote:
Yes, I bought the wire and "string" off ebay to give it a go.
It's pretty easy but the single coils in the T3 are easier than the duals...
Flavour wise I am hooked on toffee, but I've tried all sorts of different ones...
I agree re the tax revenue bit - I'm hoping I will have overcome the need to smoke anything at all by the time they start hammering the tax, which will come eventually.....
And all of this sounds very akin to me getting a new mobile phone... and setting that up...
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 05-11-2014 12:15
on 05-11-2014 12:15
on 05-11-2014 12:20
on 05-11-2014 12:20
on 05-11-2014 12:32
@Bambino wrote:Are these e-cigs expensive?
The cig-a-likes from the supermarkets are just a little cheaper than actual cigarettes.
However once you have bought a battery, tank and juice the savings are incredible! I can spend as little as £20 a month on juice, whereas I was spending over £300 a month on cigarettes.
Essentially you could start with a cheap setup for about £25 which will last for months and then you just need to order more juice, so no, they aren't expensive
on 05-11-2014 12:50
on 05-11-2014 12:50
on 05-11-2014 14:30
on 05-11-2014 14:30
on 05-11-2014 14:43
on 05-11-2014 14:43