on 05-11-2014 10:25
on 05-11-2014 10:25
Does anyone use them? Has anyone tried them and gone back to smoking analogues? Has anyone used them and stopped smoking/vaping altogether?
Does anyone have any concerns about their use?
I was a smoker for 19 years until last year when I made the switch to e-cigarettes, specifically the cig-a-like type you can find in supermarkets such as Tesco. After a month of using both cigarettes and the e-cigs I moved over exclusively to e-cigs and haven't looked back. I have not smoked a cigarette for 12 months now and feel much better for it.
I can breath. I don't smell. My clothes don't smell.
I've now moved away from the cig-a-likes and have a proper setup with battery, tank and juice.
So, is anyone else on here a vaper?
on 05-11-2014 11:24
on 05-11-2014 11:24
@Bambino wrote:@Cleoriff You CAN quit. I smoked for more than 40 years. When I gave up I was smoking more than 40 a day. I never thought I'd be able to quit, but I did. If I can do it, anyone can, but you have to want to. Being in the medical profession you must know that the physical need for nicotine leaves your body after just 48 hours. After that it's just a mental thing. Being an ex-smoker I know what you're going through. Nicotine is as addictive as heroine, but you can kick it. Apart from anything else, I've literally saved tens of thousands of pounds since I quit. That ought to be an incentive in itself!
Of course I know all of the above. I also knew by admitting to this addictive habit so openly, would either lay me open to criticism...or well meaning advice.
I am a big girl and can take it all.
However the key lays in what you said in the middle of your response...and what I said at the end of my last one
I have to WANT to give up...... I now do...so having extreme amounts of will power, I have no doubt I will achieve my goal....hopefully....:smileywink:
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 05-11-2014 11:26
Well I wasn't expecting as many of you to have been smokers, never mind so many of you using e-cigs!
What setup are you using @MI5 ? I'm on an iTaste MVP2 with a Protank 2 tank, although I do switch to eVod batteries when I'm at work because the MVP2 is so heavy haha!
I'll be doing battle with my work in 4 months when a smoking ban comes into force all over the grounds that means even the smoke shelters will be removed. I have actively refused to visit the smoke shelters over the past year as I don't class myself as a smoker and I don't see why I should have to passively inhale all of the nasty chemicals from cigarette smoke when I'm trying to improve my health! However, I have been told that this ban will also cover e-cigarettes, and even in our own cars, but I'm ready to fight all the way as I am not emitting any smoke and there is no risk of passive inhalation of nasty chemicals!
on 05-11-2014 11:28
on 05-11-2014 11:28
PS...Just to add....You would NOT believe the times I have heard this expression " You are a nurse..you should know better"...
A bit ironical really... when the profession that " should know better" ....has the largest percentage of smokers
than any other....
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 05-11-2014 11:32
on 05-11-2014 11:32
on 05-11-2014 11:39
on 05-11-2014 11:39
on 05-11-2014 11:41
on 05-11-2014 11:41
on 05-11-2014 11:45
on 05-11-2014 11:45
on 05-11-2014 11:51
on 05-11-2014 11:51
on 05-11-2014 11:52
on 05-11-2014 11:52
@Bambino wrote:
@MI5 wrote:
evod with a protank or T3d but I do have a mini Vivid (as advised to Cleoriff) with a CE4 and a T3s with an eGo-T whilst the evod is on charge.There's a whole new language out there that I didn't know existed!
Exactly! No wonder he advised me to get the starter kit...obviously he thought the evods and CE4's and T3's would be far too technical for my old brain
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 05-11-2014 11:56
on 05-11-2014 11:56