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Community Spotlight

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Hey guys, 


It's time for another community spotlight! This time the focus is on @Glory1. Glory1 joined the O2 community in August last year and have very quickly become a regular face around the forum. 


We have asked a bunch of questions to help everyone get to know them better. As always feel free to ask any follow up questions Smiley Wink


What’s your name and where are you from?

My name is Gloria Starr and I'm originally from New York City. Having an interest in, and love for, all things British I decided to move to England in 1969. I arrived by ship in Southampton 30th November 1969. Moving to London 3 weeks later where I have lived ever since.


Why did you join the O2 Community?

I joined the o2 Community initially to ask if I should chase o2 about my pre-order of the Note7 as they had not got back to me. The overwhelming answer was yes as o2 would not ring me. Oh so right.


Favourite thing about the O2 community?

My favourite thing about the o2 Community is the people. They are friendly and fun. Every time I have posted a problem, within minutes I have had a reply. Usually several replies all with good advice which has proved helpful. They have all been very friendly and I have not laughed so much in ages.


Apple, Android or Windows?

Android all the way.


Favourite movie/TV show/actor?

Favourite movie: The Shawshank Redemption, A Few Good Men and Chicago. I have watched these films many times and enjoy them each and every viewing.

Favourite TV Show: Breaking Bad, The Wire and Modern Family. Excellent shows that I can watch again and again.

Favourite actor: Leonardo di Caprio. And not for his good looks. From the first time I saw him in This Boy's Life I knew he was special. And he proved to be in The Departed, The Aviator, Gangs of New York, the Great Gatsby, Shutter Island, the Woolf of Wall Street and his latest The Revenant just to name a few. A superb actor.

Which person (living or dead) would you like have a conversation with and why?

This took me some time but the person I would like to have a conversation with is the late Sammy Davis Jr. To me he was the best all-round entertainer. He could sing, dance, act, played several instruments and was 'the fastesr gun in the West'. He also came back from an horrific car accident in which he lost an eye, and from which it was thought he would never perform again. He proved them wrong. Also he taught himself to read and write having no formal schooling. A major achievement in my book. I would love to talk to him and get to know the man behind the gossip and headlines. I'd also like to ask him why he sang and danced for me when I was a baby in a pram! Yes folks, according to my mum, Sammy Davis Jr performed for me when I was a baby. Apparently I loved it so my mum said. Me I don't remember....😊


Do you have any pets?

No I don't have any pets. Unfortunately my flat is too small. But my favourite animals are cats - both the domesticated and the large cats, especially the cheetah. I love dogs as well and if I had a huge house would have a selection of both. Umm.....not the cheetah as that could be dangerous 😄

Whats your favourite meal?

My favourite meal is any pasta dish though I'm partial to lasagne. But made the New York way not the British way - sorry.


Whats your favourite book?
The Stand and It by Stephen King
Noble House by James Clavell
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

I have read all these books at least 5 times and they are all in my Kindle to read again.

Whats your favourite sport?

Favourite sport: though I love football American and British, my favourite is still baseball. I grew up a Dodger fan introduced to the game and team by my mum who grew up in Brooklyn. I add the latter bit of info about my late mum as the Dodgers were the Brooklyn Dodgers before they moved to LA. I followed and supported the Dodgers until I left for England. Also supported the Mets as they are a New York team and was thrilled when they won the World Series in 1969. No printable comment (in the Community) on the Yankees. Let's just say I don't like them....😠


Future developments in mobile tech your looking forward to?

The future developments in tech I'm looking forward to is the Galaxy Note 8 preferably not given to exploding or bursting into flame. But including the outstanding features in the defunct Note7.

Hobbies besides mobile?

My hobbies apart from mobile are:

An avid reader,

Love films and have an ever growing collection,

Love TV with an ever growing collection of TV box sets of Sky shows which as I don't and won't have Sky is the only way I get to watch them,

Love watching TV and record and stream many TV shows (the latter via catch up services and Amazon Prime Video),

And playing games on my mobile and Kindle. I have hundreds (and I do mean 100s) on my Kindle. I didn't realise just how many until I got my new Kindle and download my games from the Cloud - shocker! But playing games keeps my mind active very important at my age.

So we come to the end. I hope my answers have given you some idea of who I am. Any questions please feel free to ask.


Awesome thanks for sharing Gloria! If anyone has any follow up questions feel free to post them below wink

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Message 1 of 53

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Just a thought....shouldn't 'partners' have an equal say on decisions and stuff?

That will teach me to marry a Thai lady 

Message 11 of 53

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No comment 🙄
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 12 of 53

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Very nice spotlight, @Glory1! I have 2 questions: how do you make American lasagne (what's the difference?), and which mobile games do you play? slight_smile

Message 13 of 53

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Well @Marjo the mobile games I'm addicted to at the moment are Halloween Witch Connect a match 3 game and Word Cookies a word game which really stretches my brain. I have other match 3 games on my mobile. I find Go Vuzzle games rather fun hut Halloween Witch Connect and Word Cookies are my 'go to' when I want to stretch myself.

As for lasagne, which I haven't made in a while, I make mine with mozarella not a cheese sauce. Thst's what I was used to in New York when it was cooked by my many Italian friends and learned to make myself. I just don't like the cheese sauce. It doesn't taste the same.
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 14 of 53

Level 36: Perceptive
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Hi @Glory1 nice to find out more about you & welcome to the forum slight_smile
iPhone 15 plus 128Gb light pink & Apple watch series 9 pink (Celluar all with Vodafone slight_smile
Message 15 of 53

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@Glory1 I'm currently feverishly playing Juice Jam on my iPhone. It's also a "match 3" kind of game, very colourful and addictive! I'm at level 293. grin


Thanks for the tip! I've just installed Word Cookies. slight_smile

Message 16 of 53

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Thank you @blissgirl it's a pleasure to be part of the Forum. I'm having such fun and learning things too.
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 17 of 53

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Hi @Glory1. Lovely spotlight and welcome to the forum (again) Smiley Very Happy

I enjoy our banter and discussions.

Couple of questions from me...

Do you ever go back to the USA nowadays?

Are you allowed to vote in presidential elections as you are an American citizen although living here?

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 18 of 53

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I love Juice Jam @Marjo but haven't played it in a while. I'm playing a similar game on my Kindle called Cookie Cats which I find addictive.

Thing is I have a lot of games on my phone but I have hundreds on my Kindle as well. So I tend to switch between the two. I've been known to get so caught up in a game I'm still playing at 05.00 😂
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 19 of 53

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Thank you @Cleoriff.

I used to go back to the States but I have a serious heart condition and was advised by my doc not to take any long flights so I haven't been back in a while. Still keep in touch with my friends by email though.

I would have been allowed to vote in the elections if I kept it up when I first arrived here but I didn't. I also didn't feel it right to use my vote when I knew I would never go back to live there. And, yes, I knew from the moment I arrived that I was never going back.
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 20 of 53