on 10-08-2014 00:19
on 10-08-2014 00:19
just updated the my O2 app loads takes pin starts to load account data which you can see filling in ( I have 4 pay monthly) then "unfortunately My O2 has stopped"
Removed reloaded but no better. Note 2 that runs fine mind you still waiting for Kit Kat
on 18-08-2014 14:20
Well it gets even dafter now opens correctly displays an account for a phone the apps not on then after a few minutes crashes
on 18-08-2014 14:21
on 18-08-2014 14:21
on 18-08-2014 14:26
on 18-08-2014 14:26
Are you running any antivirus or firewall software on the phone?
on 18-08-2014 14:45
on 18-08-2014 14:45
on 07-09-2014 01:29
now its opps something wrong code 4 given up if only virgin had better phones
on 07-09-2014 07:19
on 07-09-2014 10:53
on 07-09-2014 10:53
The My O2 app does occasionally throw up that error if they take it down for maintenance but if you are continually having problems there is still something wrong in the setup.
on 08-09-2014 01:38
Its down at the moment on line and mobile its not just the app its the Note 2 and nonsense of android upgrade as well, only network not upgraded still saying Samsung arent upgrading , that is sadly pushing me away. never worried about the cost as the service on the whole (particularly local signal) was good but last few times on line chat was below its normal poor standard.Phone line still good when you can get through. Its an accumulation of niggles. May just switch my beast to a Note 4 and the others to g5 or poss the Alpha as they fall due and try another network already got virgin bb and cable hence comment always getting, like most of the uk, offers from them but the phones 2 date are just not what I want.
on 08-09-2014 01:42
on 08-09-2014 01:42