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Forum Posts

FAQs: My O2

Hi all, welcome to the My O2 board! If you need advice on My O2, this is the place you can post your question to and get replies from other customers. In case your question relates to My O2 Business, you might also find some helpful information in ou...

EmilieT by Former Staff
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Resolved! payment

Why have I had two direct debits taken out and yet account showing as overdue??? Sort your systems out!

Resolved! Sign in

Can’t sign in at O2 app

Resolved! keeping remaining data

Hi I have just moved tariff from 20gb a month to 10gb a month. When i moved over i still had 18 gb left to use. Will keep this and be able to use it.?

twix8080 by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Free disney+. Not getting the activation text or email

Hi just got a sim with the 3 month disney+ included. I have tried 3 times to activate it. i get the message 'We are preparing your extra. We will sent you a text and an email when its ready to activate', but i never receive the text or email. Please ...

Resolved! Phone stolen

My phone has been stolen whilst away in Vietnam. Could I please pause my contract until I am back, to ensure I am not charged extra. Thank you!

Maya3 by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Change address

I need to change my address for my account. I'm unable to log into the app

Aston by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! My o2

I'm trying to log on to my o2, how do I do it?

Gazza2 by Level 1: Joiner
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