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Where is my eSIM QR Code?

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So I bought a new phone and upgraded my tariff to a new Sim ONLY deal.


I'm going from an old Galaxy S6 to an A55 5G.


I chose the eSIM option because the website said it was instantaneous and I could transfer from my number off the plastic SIM in my old device easily using a QR code I could get through MyO2.


What a crock of lies. I go to "MyO2 > Install sim" and it tells me :

Unable to make changes

Because there are some changes underway on your account, you can’t make any changes on this page at the moment.


Like...what? And it's 10pm, so lines are closed. And getting access to live chat is impossible without the app, but my old phone won't load the O2 app.


Honestly, absolute disgrace. 


Is this a time based thing? Will MyO2 eventually give me the ability to actually request my eSIM that I just signed up for so I can actually set up my new phone?

Message 1 of 7

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eSIM - How to activate  

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 2 of 7

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Absolutely useless, mate. As if you never even read my post. I already followed that guide. The "request eSIM" option is not there for me, if you actually read what I wrote.

Message 3 of 7

Level 78: King of Kings
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That error means the tariff change hasn't gone through yet, so you will need to wait for o2's systems to catch up...
Then go to the myo2 app and it will let you install the esim , and then when you change your phone in the future go through all this again.

This is not customer services and we dont have access to your account
I do not work for o2 or any VMo2 /Telefonica/Liberty Global Company
Message 4 of 7

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Have you any idea how long that might take? Because honestly, this is already far too much of a faff on. Wasted an evening trying to sort this garbage, and that's not even counting actually setting my new phone up for how I wanna use it. I know why I kept my old one for 8 years now. 

Message 5 of 7

Level 78: King of Kings
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No idea, but we tell everyone for a primary sim stick to plastic and dont swap to esim you will end up in a world of pain on all UK networks

This is not customer services and we dont have access to your account
I do not work for o2 or any VMo2 /Telefonica/Liberty Global Company
Message 6 of 7

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I mean, I don't really care as long as my phone works. I'm not really a "I gotta have a new phone every 3 months" kinda person. Waste of time and money.


All I want is a working phone, with an up to date OS, that retains the phone number that my entire life is built around because I cannot be bothered in the slightest to go through the hassle of changing phone numbers. 

Message 7 of 7