on 27-03-2020 21:06
I switched my mobile contract to SKY 2 weeks ago from O2 bur forgot to unlock my phone. I have tried numerous times on the website to arrange unlocking but it keeps saying"oops an error has occurred". Though i am not in desperat need for my phone it is a contact many NHS customers have who may wish or need to contact me and i am willing to pay to get this sorted. Anyone any suggestions?
on 27-03-2020 21:14
on 27-03-2020 21:25
on 27-03-2020 21:25
on 27-03-2020 21:30
If there is a need to get this done sooner rather than later you can usually find sellers on ebay who will provide the code for you.
on 27-03-2020 22:08
on 27-03-2020 22:08
on 27-03-2020 22:10
on 27-03-2020 22:10