on 28-02-2025 21:53
I’ve signed up with Virgin Media for a deal that had to include an O2 SIM card. I’m happy with the Virgin Media bit of the deal snd the overall price. However the O2 SIM is of no value or use, as soon as the SIM arrives it will be cut up and consigned to the bin, it will never get into my phone. I’ll do my bit and pay O2 for the duration of the contract.
i do however seem to have got signed up to ‘My O2 WiFi” what is, and had this seriously installed or activated anything on my phone?
on 28-02-2025 21:57
It's just so you can use free O2 wifi hotspots when out and about.
on 28-02-2025 21:58
Personally I would put the SIM safe somewhere. It would make things easier when you need to cancel.
on 28-02-2025 22:05
For future use Guide: Cancelling Your Contract
on 28-02-2025 22:18
on 28-02-2025 22:18
MI5 OK thats great many thanks for the speedy response. I just wanted to be sure nothing had happened in the background that impacted my security. I like to be fully aware when I'm on a data connection through phone and when and which WiFi point I connect to.
Again many thanks, much appreciated.
on 28-02-2025 22:30
You're welcome @AnyBody