on 07-08-2023 20:05
I was on o2 for many happy years as a business customer. I left when my business closed and I went over to virginmedia. Recently virgin teamed up with o2 and I appear to be back with o2.
I want to use the Myo2 app but it says I am a Business customer and limits what I can do.
I tried virgin, who said call o2. I called o2 and the chap didn't understand what I was telling him. I tried o2 chat and got nowhere. Back to virgin and they say contact o2 on twitter!!@!
Anyone got any suggestions as to how to fix this please?
on 07-08-2023 20:08
We’re just customers like you but it sounds like you’ll need someone to access your account which can’t be done from here. If you message O2 using the links below, they should be able to help you with this
or give them a call on 202 or 0344 809 0202