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New iPhone Today

Not applicable
So it seems Apple are set to launch a new iPhone today.

How long will it be before O2 advise if we'll be allowed to upgrade early like we were with the iPhone 3G?

Be nice to see some prompt decision on what options are available to us.
Message 1 of 54

Not applicable
As an O2 iPhone customer who signed up on the release date of the 3G last year my irritation is this:

Apple have now traditionally released a upgrade to the iPhone hardware once a year. I would have no problem with O2's current policy on upgrading to the 3GS had they offered a 12mth contract on the 3G a year ago, which would mean that I would be in the final month of my contract and due for an upgrade. Admittedly this would have been a more expensive contract, but with the knowledge of a fee-free upgrade it would have been worth it. However they offered a minimum of 18mths on the contract and a historical policy of allowing a free early iPhone upgrade (for various reasons)

As it is, lots of us who signed up to a 3G contract in July last year will end our contracts in January and not see the point in upgrading to the 3GS as a 5mth wait will hopefully see the release of the next upgrade. I think O2 will end up losing money on the 3GS by not thinking through their upgrade policy on the iPhone.
Message 31 of 54

Not applicable
I have just signed a two year contract and asked the guy in the O2 store if they had a dtae for the new iphone however he stated that there was no news and even if they did get it they would have a 6 - 8 week wait !??
Message 32 of 54

Not applicable
I would have no problem with O2's current policy on upgrading to the 3GS had they offered a 12mth contract on the 3G a year ago, which would mean that I would be in the final month of my contract and due for an upgrade.

Yup. I'd have happily paid more last year to get it on a 12 month contract instead.

But I guess this was out of O2s hands too. Poor little innocents that they are.
Message 33 of 54

Not applicable
Say you bought a mac laptop (macbook?) and paid for it on a 18 month plan with the shop or your credit card company. Would you expect to not have to pay for the last 6 months of the payments if a new one was brought out and you wanted it? This is similar. The contract subsidised the handset cost. People were given cheap or free upgrades last time as they had bought the first handset outright with no subsidy. Brand loyalty is often a good thing. But it doesn't mean you have to buy everything they release. As i have said in a number of other threads, there will always be a new phone come out during a contract. Be happy with having a great handset!

you are missing the point, iphone users are loyal to o2 we have paid for the handset and will pay for an upgrade, but i got told im not allowed to pay out my contract! i have to take out a second line to get a new iphone?
Message 34 of 54

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Say you bought a mac laptop (macbook?) and paid for it on a 18 month plan with the shop or your credit card company. Would you expect to not have to pay for the last 6 months of the payments if a new one was brought out and you wanted it? This is similar. The contract subsidised the handset cost. People were given cheap or free upgrades last time as they had bought the first handset outright with no subsidy. Brand loyalty is often a good thing. But it doesn't mean you have to buy everything they release. As i have said in a number of other threads, there will always be a new phone come out during a contract. Be happy with having a great handset!

Like others, I got the iPhone 2G on lainch day, and upgraded to the 3G on launch day. I also pay an additional £10/month for the iphone PAYG bolt on for the 2G phone.

I would have hoped that O2 would offer some increased flexibility for existing customers. When the 3G came out, EVERYBODY in the very long queue outside the shop already had a 2G model. There was not one 'new' customer in the bunch. These same people who will trail blaze the 3Gs now all have at least 7 months contract remaining and not financially sensible way of getting out of it to do the same.

The point is O2 only let you get the phone on an 18 month conract. I would have preferred a 12 month contract (with the increased price), but this was not offered. Now if I want to upgrade I have to pay for an additional 6 months of unwanted airtime (of which only a portion would have covered the handset subsidy).
Message 35 of 54

Not applicable
Why not buy a PAYG 3G S, then reduce your contract down to it's minimum level as soon as possible. That when when the next iPhone comes out you don't have to worry about being locked in.

In reality if you're not bothered about the unlimited Wi-Fi a 12 month Simplicity tariff + a PAYG iPhone works out cheaper over 18 months and gets you more texts and minutes per month than the equivalent pay monthly tariff with iPhone

For example;

£19.58pm simplicity tariff gives you 800 mins, 800 texts (1600 texts if you buy online), and you can add the Unlimited web bolt on for free.
£440.40 - 16 GB iPhone 3G S on PAYG
** Total over 12 months : £440.40 + (£19.58*12) = £675.36 **
** Total over 18 months : £440.40 + (£19.58*18) = £792.84 **

£34.26pm iPhone tariff gives 600 mins, 500 texts, and unlimited web.
£184.98 - 16GB iPhone 3G S on Pay Monthly
** Total over 12 months : £801.66 (assuming paying rest of contract allowed) **
** Total over 18 months : £801.66 **
Message 36 of 54

Not applicable
its only a phone :womanindifferent:
CALM DOWN !!!!!!

u would think the world was ending ! wink
Message 37 of 54

Not applicable
its only a phone :womanindifferent:
CALM DOWN !!!!!!
u would think the world was ending ! wink

Message 38 of 54

Not applicable
its only a phone :womanindifferent:
CALM DOWN !!!!!!
u would think the world was ending ! wink


well that is what i am doing reading all these posts!

" y cant i upgrade " OMG! look at the price of the new iphone " grin tough
Message 39 of 54

Not applicable
its only a phone :womanindifferent:
CALM DOWN !!!!!!
u would think the world was ending ! wink


Don't feed the troll...
Prices are set by Apple and O2 are left to take all the flack again.
And what makes you think that it will either be any cheaper or better on the other networks.

This isn't the case - otherwise they wouldn't have dropped the price in the States. I read a paper this morning that quoted an O2 spokesperson saying that O2 "refused" to put the price down - can't remember which one sadly. And other networks will be desperate to pinch O2's current customers by offering better deals.

Seriously, people, if you want to see some change, don't mull it over in the forums. The more letters of complaint O2 head office receives the more likely they are to make a change.
Message 40 of 54