on 30-08-2014 16:17
on 30-08-2014 16:17
my phone bill is due out today(saturday)
will it go out monday? if so can i go in the bank monday morning and put the money in, which will go in immediately.
also will they cut me off? or charge me?
30-08-2014 16:46 - edited 30-08-2014 16:47
30-08-2014 16:46 - edited 30-08-2014 16:47
30-08-2014 16:54 - edited 30-08-2014 17:06
30-08-2014 16:54 - edited 30-08-2014 17:06
Some banks (RBS/Natwest in particular) will show anything due in or out during or on the day after a weekend on the first day of the weekend (normally Saturday excepting bank holidays). So if something was due in or out on Saturday, Sunday or Monday it would show up on Saturday but with Monday's date. This can be a good thing for payments going in as you can get at them earlier
Most will show it up on the Monday though (or late on the Sunday).
The grace period that MI5 mentioned until 4pm is the case for Santander but the time varies for other banks and not all banks offer it, although I believe that is due to change soon
EDIT actually it changes from Monday with most major banks offering a grace period. Details on individual policies at http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/banking/2014/08/payment-bounced-youll-soon-have-a-second-chanc...
on 30-08-2014 18:00
on 30-08-2014 18:00