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o2 webmail threats of suspending account

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I have been using o2 webmail for quite some time. As far back as when it was called genie in fact.

I joined this forum to see if anybody has had email from any of the following.

I am asking here because I have had threats to disconnect or suspend the webmail from these addresses unless I do something. This usually means I have to follow a link to another page and enter more details. These I know are classic signs of spam to scam us.
I would not normally be bothered. They are usually banks though and heaven knows how many I have reported to the real banks that usually have an email address to report the abuse to on their official websites.

There doesn't appear to be the same service for o2 though.
I have contacted o2 using the web form to inform them about the scams.
but to my amazement they neither confirmed or denied if they were bogus or not.
This was the email I got from o2.

Thanks for emailing us about your Webmail account. I understand that
you've received a message from O2 saying that your Webmail account will
get suspended. I realise that you want to know if the email message is
from O2. Let me check the details for you.
I'm unable to comment on the email message that you've received.
However, I'd suggest you to call our customer service team on 0870 600
3009 from:
- Monday to Friday ? 8am to 9pm
- Saturday ? 8am to 8pm
- Sunday ? 8am to 6pm.
They'll be happy to provide you with the relevant information with
regards to the email message that you've received and also they'll be in
a better position to judge about the legitimacy of the email message.
I trust the above information is helpful and hope things get sorted out
for you soon. If you need any further help, please reply to this email
visit our online Help Centre at:

I didn't do as they said but I did ring customer services on my mobile.
But they were no help either.

I don't think o2 is helping itself in any way by not confirming scam mail when somebody asks them about it. Neither does it justify a non geographical telephone number for an answer to a simple is it or is it not spam question.

Anybody else know what I should do to get a better result?
Message 1 of 6

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Phone the number to speak to the right people? Or just ignore the spam.
Message 2 of 6

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Phone the number to speak to the right people? Or just ignore the spam.

I could do that but I don't see any reason why o2 should not make it known if they endorse spam or not. 0870 numbers are not ones I like to deal with. They are the same as post office box numbers to me. I would not be happy dealing with anybody who was wearing a mask? Its all the same thng to me.
Anyway if they really wanted to value my loyalty they could ring me on my mobile that's in my webmail profile details. Or they should at least have the option in the customer service menu when you dial 100 for free on one of their contracted phones.
Message 3 of 6

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I don't think you can complain too much, when you won't phone the people who can tell you about these emails. (Has it occured to you there may be a reason why you need to phone this number?) There is nothing dodgy about 0870 numbers, if your tariff doesn't include them then why not see if an alternative landline number is available.

If you were to phone that number and not get a response then I would complain.
Message 4 of 6

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These emails aren't from o2. Don't fill in any personal details. Emails from o2 will always end and emails set up on the customer site (by anyone) end
Message 5 of 6

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These emails aren't from o2. Don't fill in any personal details. Emails from o2 will always end and emails set up on the customer site (by anyone) end

Thanks for that its a useful tip.

Just to confirm what I am trying to get across here.
I very convinced now that its spam... The deadline is now passed and the threat hasn't been acted on. I am ignoring its requests as such.

I have been trying to report it to o2 because I suspected it is.

o2 is for some unknown reason is adopting a policy of not caring enough about it to give a simple yes it is, or no it isn't answer.
Most of the spam I have reported up till now has been taken down within 24 hours. I know this because if you click on the link later it comes up as reported forgery.

I am not happy that this is the most convincing bit of web forgery I have ever come across and that o2 is actually endorsing the use of forgery of its web pages by its complacency.

As I said before I don't deal with 0870 numbers.

Thanks for all your input though I appreciate all your replies. grin
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