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nokia n900?

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does anyone know if o2 will be offering the nokia n900 when it`s released?
Message 1 of 78

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why oh why does everyone think the n900 is so great
its running hardware that other phones have had for a year
soon people will be using 1ghz snapdragons with accelerated 3dgfx and open gui graphics
camera modules are allready up to 8-12mp and some have xenon
i understand its new and nokia but is it really new?? how well will maemo 5 be supported?? how will the n900 be supported?? it doesnt even have turn by turn sat nav out of the box or mms and the whole phone has to be run in landscape mode apart from the phone app?? thats right a phone app as it is a tablet with a phone application hence why it runs in landscape all the time

i think a few peopl will be dissapointed by the n900 when the expect a smartphone , it will be like a smartphone but it will be more like a tablet with a phone app
ive read many stories of bloggers finding it very hard to adapt to the n900 in everyday use as it has to have the keyboard out alot and be run in landscape which in some situations isnt going to work great compared to a proper phone in the same situation
with nokia track record i would wait and see how it pans out
talk of maemo 6 allready which supports portrait mode and capatative touch screen
please excuse spelling
hope you all enjoy it when its ut and dont end up with another n97 on your hands

"soon people will be using 1ghz snapdragons with accelerated 3dgfx and open gui graphics" ok you want us to wait till these come out? as for 8 and 12mp cameras what use are they to average joe? If you see a better phone tell us what it is and we will all buy it.
Message 61 of 78

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Just found out about the n900, looks very good and after all the problems the hd2 has i think i may go for it, tarrifs seem ok on mobilephonesdirect on vodafone. Dont think there is a release date yet.

a lot have been looking forward to this, hopefully they will give a release date.

yep a lot have been waiting and you know xmas is just around the corner..would be a nyc gift slight_smile
Message 62 of 78

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Just found out about the n900, looks very good and after all the problems the hd2 has i think i may go for it, tarrifs seem ok on mobilephonesdirect on vodafone. Dont think there is a release date yet.

a lot have been looking forward to this, hopefully they will give a release date.

yep a lot have been waiting and you know xmas is just around the corner..would be a nyc gift slight_smile

The problems on the hd2 seem to be getting worse so im def going for one, think mpd is the only place that are doing a contract for next two months, is this correct?
Message 63 of 78

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have decided although 02 is good to be with myself and my whole family are moveing to vodaphone for the 900..... 02 do not seem to listen the right hand doesnt know what the left hand is doing when you ring up ... that says to me communication is nil from the top. they all seem to be running round like headless chickens.. bet the top people never read the forums... we are the people who pay for your bread and butter everything seems to have gone on hold since the 02 areana ... which i have to admit is good and since the dratted i phone COME ON 02 DONT LOSE ALL YOUR LOYAL CUSTOMERS...... THINK ..... AND I DARE YOU TO READ THIS AND GET IN CONTACT WITH ME...... I DONT THINK SO WILL PROB TOO BUSY HAVING THEIR NAILS FILED AND THATS JUST THE MEN. DISGRUNTLED......
Message 64 of 78

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"soon people will be using 1ghz snapdragons with accelerated 3dgfx and open gui graphics" ok you want us to wait till these come out? as for 8 and 12mp cameras what use are they to average joe? If you see a better phone tell us what it is and we will all buy it.

better phones then the n900 , simple mate , omnia hd or gt i8910 as its called

beats the n900 in nearly every department and is 8 months old mate

the n900 has a good open o/s and some ok hardware but its allready been overhyped to the max

while you say 8mp 12mp doesnt matter it does a bit as when the phone manufacturers up the mp count they usaully upgrade the sensor and imaging software as well meaning better pictures all round

i agree mp count is a marketting ploy to reel in the customers but in the phone world they usaully up the sensor and software and not just the mp count

if you want a mobile computer 1st and mobile second then the n900 will probably be for you but to me its overrated and yesterdays technolagy being released again

i hope you enjoy the n9oo when it you get it but ill be waiting for febuary and the and the new batch of phone sannounced at the febuary mobile confrence and hope that nokia actually announce something new and innovating i doubt they will though they havent since the n95-1 everything else is just a rehash of that in a different shell and its becoming outdated and boring now

add that to nokias spiaralling build quality and it leaves me dubious about nokia actually giving the customers what they want

the samsung omnia hd pummels every nokia smartphone into the ground and will do right into 2010

i understnd that a mobile is a personal choice and everyone will be different but to me the n900 is a really overated phone/tablet and the hype wont do nokia any help

i doubt o2 will stock this for ages anyway its too risky taking a new nokia on ina busness sense because of the high return rate due to the beta firmware they allways ship with

its up to you what you get mate but i would recomed trying the n900 out 1st

the battery isnt the biggest in the world , it cant run in potrait mode yet , no mms , no turn by turn sat nav out of box , no dedicated support from devlopers yet , little support with nokia services yet , early firmware ,

after my four faulty n97s and two faulty n86s i wil wait for others to beta test the n900 for me and untill then enjoy using my i8910 which is 8 months older then the n900 but allready more advanced then it

peace mate

ive owned 6680 , n73 , 3250 , 6600 , 5800 , 6220c , n95-1 , n95-1 , n96 , n97 , n97 mini , n85 , n86 , n82 , n81

iam a nokia addict but ive just wised up to their shoddy build quality and lack of innovation latley , i hope the n900 changes my mind but everone is touting it as the new flagship from nokia when it has been advertised as a tablet with phone features for the niche market

i hope for better thing from nokia untill then ive had to move to the samsung innov8 to get my quality gadget one that i feel my 500 pounds was well spent on and not one that creaks from cheap plastic and is liable to have major hardware faults of major software faults out of the box

ive had over 2500 worth of nokias go through my hands in the lsst couple of months due to faults on them and all i wanted was a working new phone , to get that i had to move to samsung

if you do buy the n900 at least make sure you have a good returns policy on it

fingers crossed for you this nokia ctually recieved proper quality control testing
Message 65 of 78

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oh mate geta life jeese posts like this are a joke

so what is exaclty the point in this post may i ask??

you threaten to move all your familys contracts to vodafone , why??

have they magically promised the n900 to you?? if so they are lying they have no news on stocking it just like o2 as no one will be getting it before xmas apart from mobile phones direct and nokia direct , you can get a voda contract through mobile phones direct but its not vodafone who have the n900

no o2 workers read these threads so your challenge of a phone call is not going to be accepted lol

why dont you actually ring them and try being polite and friendly to the customer services rep

i dont know mate its a phone not a million pounds

hope you end up getting it so you can seyttle down and live a peacefull life

have decided although 02 is good to be with myself and my whole family are moveing to vodaphone for the 900..... 02 do not seem to listen the right hand doesnt know what the left hand is doing when you ring up ... that says to me communication is nil from the top. they all seem to be running round like headless chickens.. bet the top people never read the forums... we are the people who pay for your bread and butter everything seems to have gone on hold since the 02 areana ... which i have to admit is good and since the dratted i phone COME ON 02 DONT LOSE ALL YOUR LOYAL CUSTOMERS...... THINK ..... AND I DARE YOU TO READ THIS AND GET IN CONTACT WITH ME...... I DONT THINK SO WILL PROB TOO BUSY HAVING THEIR NAILS FILED AND THATS JUST THE MEN. DISGRUNTLED......
Message 66 of 78

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any updates on the release date of the n900 on o2 or does if have to be purchased offline.
i can't leave o2 for vodafone as o2 have been too nice to me and the customer service is so... good.
i'm just curious to know if any information has been avaible to when the n900 will be coming to o2. the last i heard was end of january.
Message 67 of 78

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ive had over 2500 worth of nokias go through my hands in the lsst couple of months due to faults on them and all i wanted was a working new phone , to get that i had to move to samsung

You think Samsung make reliable phones? That's hilarious.
Message 68 of 78

Not applicable
Has anyone any further updates on this phone coming to O2 ?

haven't seen an O2 contract for this phone anywhere.
Message 69 of 78

Not applicable
Has anyone any further updates on this phone coming to O2 ?
haven't seen an O2 contract for this phone anywhere.

just spotted this on the vodafone web site......looks like o2 will be last to have the phone !
Message 70 of 78