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new contract

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My contract had ran out at the start of July, I phoned up to get my number transferred to my new phone. I was put to an advisor, she did not share her name, she was very unhelpful, telling me I had made a new contract in the March and had to pay over £500 to terminate this contract! I was shocked and told her that I am a student and did not have a spare £500 but I was not prepared to pay that for a new contract I did not take out..  AND SHE STARTED LAUGHING AT ME! Saying she couldn’t help the cost. She then put me through another customer advisor, Pamela, she was very helpful and understanding. She understood my situation, and told me that the previous advisor was wrong and there was not a new contract in March and there was not an issue with me terminating my contract. Pamela sorted it all out for me, she then proceeded to put me through to the correct line. I was put through to a Gary or Barry in contracting; he was very helpful and knowledgeable. He answered all my questions that I had and explained the process of changing over my number.

I was not impressed with the first advisor, she caused me unnecessary grief and upset due to her lack of knowledge, understanding and communisation skills. I was not happy at all – especially when she started to laugh at how distressed I was over this co called termination payment. However, Pamela was to complete opposite. I could not thank her enough! She promised she would sort my situation out and that is what she did. Thank you Pamela!! Also Gary/Barry, was a delight, he had made sure I had the correct knowledge for changing my number over and ensured I understood what he was saying.

A mixed bag of emotions throughout this phone call, but was genuinely happy at the end, thank you Pamela and Gary/Barry!

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