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network fault for 5 weeks! O2 refusing to fixit!!

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Help!! O2 is just not interested in repairing a fault! I have tried everything but just can't get ant sense. I have spent hours reporting problems on the phone apps and web chats all to no avail! Seem they are just not going to bother! For 5 weeks now I have been having dreadful signal at my home address which was previously ok. Phone works fine in all other locations. Seems O2 want to spend time justifying why they won't repair the problem- they won't give any information and iit is impossible to escalate the issue they will not give the CEO contact email or phone numbers- clearly they don't want anyone to know just how dreadful the network has become! I can only conclude that as parts of the network become faulty they won't be repaired either! In fact they may as well switch it all off now! Why would anyone want to use O2 ever?? 

Message 1 of 12

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Sorry forgot to add they would rather I contact the ombudsman! Waste their time too!

Seems there must be something drastically wrong- money, staff, after all who would want to work for a company that clearly doesn't care about its network, let alone it's customers. Someone needs to remember that it's the customers that pay the wages! Unfortunately O2 was the best of a bad bunch were I live and since the Tugo app has been stopped in November it means I can't use that either. The new WiFi calling is only available on very expensive phones from O2 and this but doesn't make sense but I've been told it won't work in this area! How good is that?? Absolutely fed up to the teeth with then!!

Message 2 of 12

Not applicable

@grapevinetim O2 never give out timescales for repairs. They could be waiting for access permits or parts etc.  Google the CEO email address & write to him as we aren’t allowed to give it out here or you could complain via this link. Resolver seems to get good results

Message 3 of 12

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It will be the 4g calling that won't work in all areas. The wifi calling will work on any wifi network.
You could also try the new app, O2 Ask.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 4 of 12

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Thanks for the suggestion. I have tried Google and have asked lots of times but O2 will only give address! For a communication company they block communication to anyone- they force you take the path that they want and nothing else! Just dreadful. Obviously it is going to be much slower to send a letter and I bet Mark Evans?? Doesn't read it anyway just some numpty in customer services. 

 Also As I said I've heard all the excuses access parts. But in five weeks I don't think they have even been to the local cell site! And now they say they have , can't find fault so can't go back!! What's all that about?? Just dreadful

Message 5 of 12

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It's his name with a full stop in between followed by the standard @
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 6 of 12

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Thank you for that.- Very kind.  I will  email him- but dont hold out much hope of getting a sensible reply and I bet it wont be from him either??.

I am at my wits end to get something done! We dont realise how much rely on our phones do we??

Message 7 of 12

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It won't be from him but you will get a phone call from one of his office staff. When you write, don't rant. Just write the facts in chronological order and leave a daytime contact number. You might add that you wish to terminate your contract without penalty due to the delay in rectifying the mast.

In the meantime I would say, as already suggested, that you download the O2 Ask app which allows you to use the phone over wifi at home.

Message 8 of 12

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Hi I emailed today and got a very quick reply and a phone number that goes straight through too! Thanks alot! Hopefully this will get sorted out soon.
Message 9 of 12

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@grapevinetimhope it all works out for you asap...

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 10 of 12