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frustrating network.......

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still no network.... come on o2....we don't deserve this, i've missed my important call. is o2 going to compensate my loss?????????
Message 1 of 28

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Whilst I agree that this problem could be out of O2's control, I don't think calling people "thick, snotty and upper class idiots" is necessary. While you may be able to live all day without the luxury of your mobile phone and not find it frustrating, there are many others of us that rely on our mobiles heavily. My Mum is Profoundly Deaf and also has terminal cancer. The only way she can contact me or any help is by text message. We are both on 02 and I have not been able to contact her all day or evening. That for me is a massive problem and whilst I am not going to demand O2 provide me with compensation (I hate that the UK is on this bandwagon) or demand that O2 end my contract with them, I would appreciate a little more information being provided via the website so I have a rough idea of when I will be able to check that my Mum is ok. I don't think that is being particularly unreasonable.
Message 11 of 28

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I read on here that people had started to lose connection around 1pm....I was not aware myself until about 5 when I got a call on my landline asking me what was wrong with my phone, and thats when I wasted an hour trying ( and not succeeding very well ) to find out what the hell was going on... With such a major outage you would think O2 would have treated their customers with a little less contempt and made more of an effort to keep them in the loop. Clearly they didn't feel the need to do that till around 9pm, thats a poor show imho...
Message 12 of 28

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He was making a joke, don't take it too seriously.


O2 posted on their service status page at 2pm today, and have been updating it since, although they can't tell us much more other than they're working on it.


We're all in the same boat.

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 13 of 28

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@perksie wrote:



P>O2 posted on their service status page at 2pm today, and have been updating it since, although they can't tell us much more other than they're working on it.


We're all in the same boat.

but thats what i keep telling you, the service status page was simply inaccessable for most of the day for many of was as much use as a chocolate teapot thats why they needed to put it on the front page, you would think it was serious enough an issue for them to do that.....
Message 14 of 28

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I've already given the O2 staff responsible a grade A working over about that.


I and others had already made that point the last time there was a big outage.

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 15 of 28

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@perksie, it may have been meant as a joke but I personally found it not very funny. For some of us this problem has caused a lot of concern. I don't believe the service updates have been very helpful at all. Consistently telling us that they are "working on it" is not extremely helpful. I think most of us comprehend the fact that they are trying to fix the problem. But how about treating us like adults and paying customers and tell us what the problem is and a rough estimate of when they think the problem may be fixed. I think most of us would understand that this cannot be guaranteed but a timeframe would be useful. Edit: having said that the 1am update has been far more useful and would have been beneficial hours ago.
Message 16 of 28

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That info is just not available, far too difficult I believe to arrange.


I was a heating engineer and as soon as I arrived on a breakdown the customer would ask what's wrong before I had opened the toolbox, all I could give them was flannel until half an hour later I had some clue myself, and whether I had the part needed and how long it would take to get the part and fit it.


That was all a piece of cake really compared to this, they may be still be tracing it out for all we know, any answers given may only be guesswork, I'd rather wait until there was something positive to report, by then it'll probably be nearly fixed.

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 17 of 28

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I would have been happier if I could have just been able to CONECT to the flippin service update And if they really did the same thing ( next to nothing ) when it happened before then they have learnt nothing from their past mistakes and that is even more unforgivable....
Message 18 of 28

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@Anonymous wrote:
I would have been happier if I could have just been able to CONECT to the flippin service update And if they really did the same thing ( next to nothing ) when it happened before then they have learnt nothing from their past mistakes and that is even more unforgivable....
We're all quick to say that too - Like they're sitting down doing nothing and they've not learnt from their past... It's not quite like that I'm afraid. Just because we can't see what's going on behind the scenes doesn't mean they're not doing anything about it. You can guarantee that Telefonica bosses have kicked some serious arse about this and that the top bods of O2 have done the same thing to their little people. The problem has been dealt with and is still continuing through the night. We just can't be told exactly what is happening, for one reason being it's not our business to know the smallest details. A network system is down and it's being fixed...
Message 19 of 28

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@Anonymous wrote:
I would have been happier if I could have just been able to CONECT to the flippin service update And if they really did the same thing ( next to nothing ) when it happened before then they have learnt nothing from their past mistakes and that is even more unforgivable....

Well I don't know how hard it is to build a site page that can suddenly take maybe 2 million hits without crashing, which could have happened today, a bit like a DDOS attack I guess.

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 20 of 28