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Forum Posts

Community platform bugs, issues and suggestions

Hey everyone, This topic is a place where we will keep the community updated about the status of any issues or bugs affecting the community platform that we are aware of and have reported. We will keep an up to date tracker of what the issue is, when...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
  • 213 replies
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Guide Updates

GUIDE UPDATESRecent discussions HERE about locking guides a week or so after they were posted, resulted in an agreement to have a section where all of us could ask for a guide to be updated if we felt it necessary. So I'll start it off. The first gui...

Cleoriff by Level 94: Supreme
  • 45 replies
  • 6 kudos

Changing a a faulty phone...What is O2's policy?

I have had 3 faulty Dell Streak phones from 02, and although i love the phone I feel that it is not one that I trust any more to work properly.Anyhow I have gone through O2's process and was told after a third faulty phone that I would be able to cha...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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You do have other customers you know!

I know it's iPhone release day but it is absolutely unacceptable to not be able to get through to tech support on the phone.I have been trying since 8AM and the "We cannot answer your call right now, call back later " message is starting to grate.I h...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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O2 Active Link Error

Seems there is an issue with the o2 active site at present, the issue is the header for some reason showing details not usually there.http://wap.o2.co.uk/o2active

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Major network upgrade in the north due

Start Fixed Details Status Oct 17, 201101:48 pm Oct 28, 201101:48 pm NOTIFICATION OF MAINTENANCE TO THE O2 3G NETWORKWe’re modernising our network and upgrading the 3G sites in every town, city and rural area north of Birmingham to the latest kit. We...

adamtemp64 by Level 66: Unequalled
  • 3 replies
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Blackberry downfall!

Since yesterday morning my internet bbm,emails, facbook and twiiter apps have been down, ive phoned o2 and tried to get to the bottom of it to get no helpful reply. The whole reason I pay £35 a month and to not be able to access any of the services I...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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O2 Rugby Breakfasts

Has anybody heard if they have won one, I got a email this morning saying i would receive mine on thursday i cannot wait to receive it just before England play on saturday

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Emergency calls only!! On three phones now!

Our phones have all lost signal/network!! 7 hours without any mobile service now! Is there something wrong with o2? We are in grassington north yorks, and we just can't use the phones. It's not just mine but the other two household phones- all on o2!...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Rugby Breakfast Packs

I Signed up for one of these on the saturday before last. It went through OK on the computer and said I would receive one. I have since received no text or email to confirm this, or regarding a delivery, and form what I can make out on here it should...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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British Forces Post Office Address

Why doesn't your credit refferal recognise BFPO adresses? I am unable to get an O2 monthly contract even though I am in full well paid employment, am a UK property owner, a UK citizen, British Army Officer and have had a UK bank account for 30 years....

Anonymous by Not applicable
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