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Why more expensive than Carphone Warehouse

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Been a loyal O2 customer for over 20 years and looking to upgraeto an Iphone 6s (32GB) or 7 (32GB) with 3GB data. Why can Carphone Warehouse offer these phones  with no upfront payment (O2 want £9.99) and a monthly cost of £36.50 and £39.00 per month respectively? O2 are looking for a monthly payment of £44.50 and £48.40.


I find this incredible!

Message 1 of 23

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What works for one person will be different for another. As I said not everyone thinks long term. Some people will go for what they see as a cheaper option for them.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 21 of 23

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As I say, personal choice dictated by personal circumstances . Everyone is unique in that needs and income will influence the decisions we have to make. Unfortunately some people think short term with no thought about what the future holds. We have seen so many heartbreaking stories on here but sensible comes with maturity and being able to think ahead.

Do you really have to have the latest smartphone because your friends do? If you are of a certain age and subject to peer pressure then of course, buy the latest smartphone and worry when you struggle to make payments. The older generation such as myself are able to look at a deal and decide if they are able to commit to owning the next generation phone or settling for a device that does everything you could want from a phone.

How many people own a phone that they can't possibly know or use the many cababilities built in? Guilty as charged I'm afraid but a new phone is released and I'm mature enough to consider whether I can make use of the features??

Email, social apps, decent camera, what the hell does it matter if its iPhone 7, Samsung S8, one plus 3 or 10?

My phone does everything I need, I'm your average customer and I need Nougat or Marshmallow?  I post, send an email, how does the recipient have a clue what phone I'm using? Oh yes, I know, lets make make my signature 'sent from my iPad' 'sent from my super deluxe PC Mac at a cost of stupid money...yes that will impress my friends! I was born at the wrong time, yes waiting for the Note8, will I buy to impress my peers...? Doubtful. I have a £150 J7 Prime, dual sim and am I checking every day for Nougat? Its a Note 4 without the S-Pen that I never used ....

OMG....I've turned into my father which I swore would never happen. God bless dad, love you.

Message 22 of 23

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So true....
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