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What happened to my order

Not applicable
hi guys
2 days ago i ordered a Blackberry Curve 3g 9300 on a 24 month contract. I chose for it to be delivered today and it gave me and order reference number but it hasnt come yet. I have realised i have recieved no confirmation emails or texts (except one email telling me my username and password for the o2 website). When i try to track my order on the o2 website it says
We are unable to find any details of your account.

I spoke to an online advisor and they said it seems to be out of stock but no one told me this and surely this is an excuse?
any replies would be much appreciated
Message 1 of 14

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I know it's not what you want to hear but it sounds like you would be better off speaking to o2 directly - it's unlikely anyone here will be able to tell you youre order status. Give them a ring and explain the problem step by step and ask them to explain what's going on!
Message 2 of 14

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cheers for the reply, you are right i would love to avoid customer service as i have had bad experiences with them. i was just wondering if anyone else has had this issue before?
Message 3 of 14

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I just read this and am having exactly the same problems as you. I ordered the same blackberry as you yesterday and was told it would be delivered to me today, however it wasn't. And I have had no email confirmation either and there is nothing on the website that tells me it's even been ordered.
I have emailed o2 support and they are now trying to track it. So now I'm waiting to hear back.
I was just wondering if you've received your blackberry yet?
Message 4 of 14

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I just ordered an X8 for my daughter ,put in payment details ,including my banks security password,then got thank you for order and a transaction number,(which i stupidly ignored as i presumed it would be in the confirmation email).
I got an email with my log in details ,but no order confirmation,when i click on track my orders it says that it has no record of my account,even though i am logged into my account at the time.
Am going to phone customer services tomorrow ,but find this very worrying.
Message 5 of 14

Not applicable
The 9300 is out of stock at the moment. An excuse as to why you was told this (I agree it isn't very good), is that o2 haven't really had back orders on handsets in the past. If it was out of stock in the past, it would have disappeared off of the system and was unable to order. Recently they have started doing back orders, so agents, a lot of the time just assume the handset is in stock as it is available to order.
The X8, I can't remember showing out of stock, so you may be okay.
Message 6 of 14

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i am having exactly the same problem with the same phone and i ordered it on exactly the same day as u...... i have been promised that the phone will be here on monday
Message 7 of 14

Not applicable
I did the same as ukzen
I ordered an iPhone on 12/10/10 in the evening but it came on the 14th.
I had no confirmation emails, I didn't even get an email with my log in details.
I called customer services and they said without an order number they wouldn't be able to help me. I know for a fact they can search by Name, address, postcode etc because I used to work there! Rather than argue I just said OK thanks and I emailed customer service because they're usally answered from India and they know what they're doing! I got a reply by the time I'd got up the next day and they told me my order number (which is also the DHL consignment number).
May be a system issue.
Message 8 of 14

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I've had exactly the same problem. Ordered an X8 on Friday. Went thru all the order, even got confirmation of order at the end. However, did not recieve email confirmation, only email containing username and password. Phone should be with me tomorrow apparently. Whether it will show up is a different matter altogether. Cannot track order on o2 site as they claim no orders exist. Checked my bank balance also and money has not gone out as of 00:05am on 19/10/10.
Presume i'm not gonna recieve the phone.
Message 9 of 14

Not applicable
just had a reply from customer support. they looked up my order by using my postcode. they are telling me the x8 is out of stock. yet at the time of ordering it was in stock and is STILL listed as in stock, so someone at o2 has messed up, im absolutely fuming about this!
Message 10 of 14