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Forum Posts

Community platform bugs, issues and suggestions

Hey everyone, This topic is a place where we will keep the community updated about the status of any issues or bugs affecting the community platform that we are aware of and have reported. We will keep an up to date tracker of what the issue is, when...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
  • 213 replies
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Guide Updates

GUIDE UPDATESRecent discussions HERE about locking guides a week or so after they were posted, resulted in an agreement to have a section where all of us could ask for a guide to be updated if we felt it necessary. So I'll start it off. The first gui...

Cleoriff by Level 94: Supreme
  • 45 replies
  • 6 kudos

Femtocell coming to O2?

Anyone know anything about Femtocell becoming available to O2?I just checked the 'future network coverage' map on the O2 web-site for our area, and it shows that we are to get 'Standard' coverage in the future. Fab, I thought, at last I won't have to...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Data usage

I've had the new Sony Ericsson w995 for about a month on a 24 month contract with a unlimited web browsing bolt-on and until this last couple of days I have been satisfied with O2, but yesterday they sent me a text telling me that I was outside of th...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Changing personal greeting back to default

Hi thereNot sure if this is the right place to post this, found out i posted it in wrong placeI have a nokia 6300, I recorded my own personal greeting for my voicemail, but now changed my mind and want it back to the o2 default one.I just contacted O...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Multiple sims - one number?

Dear O2 Support,Is it possible to obtain 2 sim cards with the same number?I have a sim only contract and I would like a second sim card with the same number.Thanks!

Anonymous by Not applicable
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I am a new member of the forum, this being my first post.I am unsure if this 'topic' has been discussed previously, if it has, apologies to all!Over the past number of weeks, I have been receiving repetative calls from unknown numbers, and have been ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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08 numbers (0845 etc)

Hi,Bit of a long shot as i've checked all over the o2 site but I was just wondering if anyone knows of any o2 bolt ons / price plans that take 08- numbers into account, as these are the numbers i call most often on my phone and am always left with a ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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O2 Fixed Number Anywhere

Check this one out: http://dnc.o2.co.uk/home/2009/07/landline-mobile.htmlIt sounds very promising, but only if they are willing to explore the possibilities to the max!All it is, is a landline number that rings on your mobile. A very, very simple con...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Has anyone received a text from o2 then an email about a promotional monetary prize? I wonder if o2 Mobile knows about this!

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Hold Music

I'm sure o2 have 3 new 'Hold Tunes'. one of them being elbow - one day like this, another being passion pit - tears like diamonds.Anyone any ideas what the other one is?

Anonymous by Not applicable
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