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What do you look for in a new tablet?

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Hi everyone, 


Last month we started a discussion to understand better what you look for in a new phone, and got some really interesting replies! Thanks to everyone who jumped in and shared their perspective - if you haven't yet, it's not too late nerd


Screenshot 2019-03-06 at 09.14.17.png

I thought it'd be great to get your views on tablets next, as I've read here and there that a few of you have one too.


  • What size do you find most fit for purpose?
  • Do accessories or specific functionalities matter? For example a stylus/pencil for drawing, etc.
  • Are you after mobile connectivity, or Wi-Fi only?
  • Any specs you lookout for? Screen resolution, camera, etc.
  • How much storage do you think is enough? 


I'd love to hear more about what made you chose your current tablet, or what you'd look for in a new one. Your views and advice on this might also help some members that are unsure which tablet to pick. wink



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Message 1 of 23

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I have a 10" Samsung Tab (old, OLD one) and an 8" Kindle FireHD.
I got the Samsung to watch films, but it is rather large and the battery disappears faster than doughnuts in an office.
So when the Kindle was on offer I got one of those. My wife had a 7" one which she used to play games on, and I wanted one that was a little bigger but not as big as the Samsung.
I find that the Kindle is a good size for watching videos, although the screen is quite reflective so dark scenes can get overlaid with what is behind me (or me). This is also an issue when using the Kindle to actually read!
In terms of other features, so long as it has expandable storage, a reasonable screen size with a decent pixel density and WiFi I am not fussed about other specs.

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Message 11 of 23

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Good deals all- around nerd Expandable storage is definitely a great plus!



Oooo I see, I had no idea that was a thing. If your laptop can be tricked into doing the job of your tablet for F1, it makes the tablet more a backup of the laptop than anything else wink



I have to say, I love this line " the battery disappears faster than doughnuts in an office" and might well re-use it sometime joy You mention as part of your criteria a decent screen size, what's reasonable in that regards for you if you don't mind me asking?



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Message 12 of 23

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  • What size do you find most fit for purpose?

I have two a Samsung Tab A 7" and a 10.5"  i find i use the 10.5" more then the 7"


  • Do accessories or specific functionalities matter? For example a stylus/pencil for drawing, etc.

The 7" one was brought meanly to use out and about or when we go over the caravan to watch the Home cctv where the 10.5" was brought to use as a general tablet for everything else we got a kick stand case for each to make it easier to hold or stand 


  • Are you after mobile connectivity, or Wi-Fi only?

was after mobile connectivity the most 


  • Any specs you lookout for? Screen resolution, camera, etc.



  • How much storage do you think is enough? 


the 7" has enough for what I'm using it. if I'm looking at a general one i would look at least 32gb of storage 

Message 13 of 23

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@EmilieT wrote:




I have to say, I love this line " the battery disappears faster than doughnuts in an office" and might well re-use it sometime joy You mention as part of your criteria a decent screen size, what's reasonable in that regards for you if you don't mind me asking?



It all depends on what use - reading I think a 7" is just about big enough, and while I watch lots of videos on my phone I prefer the 8" is the minimum for me.

One thing that I was looking for was at least 720p (HD Ready). My phone (LG v30) is QHD, the 8" Kindle FireHD is HD Ready and the Samsung (I think) is the same albeit in a larger size (10.2").


If price was no restriction (and it obviously is) I would have preferred the Sony Z4 tablet - 10.1"screen, WQXGA screen (2560x1600 pixels), 32gb storage and quite light for the size.



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@Baz  @gmarkj  Thank you both for all those details, it's very interesting to find out more about what the different priorities, criteria and uses! nerd

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Message 15 of 23

Not applicable

(1) Battery Life

(2) Portability

(3) Screen size 8-10 inch

(4) Support / Software updates

(5) Reasonable Price

(6) Well known Brand

(7) App Store


My latest purchase from Spring 2018 was an ipad 9.7" v. 2018 wifi


Works swiftly, good battery and apps I need. Price more favourable than previous models and base storage capacity good.


32gb sbould be min storage as you don't get that as available after the operating system etc. eats into it! 


Can't justify price of pencil and not sure would make full use. I bought a wireless keyboard which I do not use a lot.


Wifi is sufficient as I have a mobile with data.


I have a sluggish 8"  4G Android tablet that has never been updated and stuck on Jelly Bean LOL. Shows you what some companies think of their brand! (luckily it was a prize, I'd be even more upset if paid £200 like many did!!!)

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@Anonymous Thanks for all that info, that's great! You mention you got a wireless keyboard for the tablet but do not use it much - did you initially get the tablet for a specific use, and then changed your mind? Or is it that you got used to the on-screen keyboard?


Just curious nerd

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Message 17 of 23

Not applicable



Easier using ipad alone (onscreen KB ok) than balancing Keyboard whilst sofa surfing,

though handy pairing the wireless keyboard to use like a mini computer on the desk / table sometimes for longer text input.



Primarily ipad purchase was to sofa surf and digest multimedia / apps on a larger screen than a phone.









Message 18 of 23

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@Anonymous That makes sense! I've never had a wireless keyboard for tablets but I can see how it'd be handy at times. smiling

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Message 19 of 23

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@EmilieT wrote:

@AnonymousThat makes sense! I've never had a wireless keyboard for tablets but I can see how it'd be handy at times. smiling

Every  tablet I've had, I use a wireless keyboard. I find it far easier to handle. innocent

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Message 20 of 23