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Upgrading from Simplicity 12 month contract

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Hi, I'm relatively new to o2, I took out a 12mth simplicity sim only contract. On the "Ask Lucy" frequently asked questions, it says that "you can upgrade your simplicity contract to add a phone at any time, but there maybe an increase in your monthly bill etc" - however, when I rang to upgrade I was told I had to wait 9 months? I've explained that this contradicts what the website says, but with no joy - can anyone clarify this?
Many thanks
Message 1 of 16

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The data allowances have been discussed many many times on here, what *should* be the case is that if your contract ( or most recent tariff change if it applies) was done before june 16th you still have unlimited data, after that data was only unlimited as a promotion until the end of October when the current allowance system kicked in.
If your case falls outside of that explanation you might have had your data capped in error so call cs about that if its causing a problem.
Oh, and if you did take it out after june, but werent told by the salesman that unltd data was a promo, i wouldnt be at all surprised.
Message 11 of 16

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Oh, and if you did take it out after june, but werent told by the salesman that unltd data was a promo, i wouldnt be at all surprised.

That's exactly what happened to me, I took the contract out after the June cut-off period, specifically requested the unlimited data bolt-on and the clerk complied. Printed my contract with the unlimited bolt-on listed, and the only correspondence I ever received from O2 about these caps was the alert message stating I'd gone over my quota a few months later.
So i'm stuck with my capped Galaxy S for the next 2 years, paying £40 a month for a plan I didn't agree to.
Message 12 of 16

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I thought as much. Thats the trouble with commisions, they promote getting your sales figures in every month, and although the company itself is most insistant that all staff do things the right way at all times (you might find it hard to believe, but they do), sometimes when an individual is falling short or just plain dishonest, they take a more 'needs must' attitude and rubbish like this happens.
Its a disgrace.
Message 13 of 16

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I had the exact same problem. My handset is broken so I want to take on a contract including a handset. Lucy told me I could upgrade at any point so I called up only to be told that I have to wait until May unless I pay up the rest of my line rental first. This would mean I was paying line rental I'm not going to use on top of the line rental for the new contract. Totally disappointed and considering taking the iphone contract with another network I'll still have to pay the line rental for the remainder of my o2 contract but I'll be able to pay it monthly and get my iphone rather than having to pay it all up front before I get an iphone from o2.
Message 14 of 16

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But you arent seeing the bigger picture. If you are asking for that part way into a 12 month plan, how far into the 24 months might you be when you want to be let off again so you can get the latest super phone? And you could say " you did it last time". They arent allowed legally to pick and choose when the t&c's are enforced, they have to be consistent. At least, thats the theory.

I would totally understand them not wanting to let me upgrade if I had taken a contract with a handset because I would owe them money for the handset but all I am paying for is line rental and allowances and I wont be using these if I am on a different contract. I'm not looking to be 'let off' I need a handset and because they wont let me upgrade I'll have to go buy one or take out another contract.
Message 15 of 16

Not applicable
Basically, ask lucy is a load of rubbish and a waste of time. My mate asked if she puts out on a first date and she couldnt give a straight answer to that either wink
But it really goes without saying that if you are in a contract with a specific term and you want to end it early you have to pay the remainder. Thats what i just did to order an iphone, just have to see when/if it gets delivered now :womanindifferent:
Message 16 of 16