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Speed to Refresh: Take a look!

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Hi guys,


The O2 Refresh scheme has been available for a while. Quite a few community members are on the programme and more than 9/10 customers in Store and Online choose O2 Refresh. 


But now you can also Speed to Refresh, giving you the chance to get on your refresh path earlier and with a tidy 25% discount on the remaining line rental you need to pay off, courtesy of O2.


You can also get up to £260 by trading in your old phone through O2 Recycle and use that money to put towards buying out your contract


Have you heard of it? Would the discount entice you to give Speed to Refresh a go?


You can check out the Speed to Refresh FAQs here


I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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Message 1 of 17

Not applicable

@adamtemp64 wrote:
read the thread before replying

it was all about speed to refresh not the refresh tariff

do you realise your mistake ?

@I dont feel I have made a mistake @adamtemps64.


MI5 seemed to understand what I was talking about.


Your reply "@MI5 true but in a pedantic mood at the moment (in an on topic way)"


Pedantic -  - Speaks volumes.


Toby asked "I’d love to hear your thoughts"


Am i not allowed to put forward my "thoughts" 



Recent threads of customers who have looked at Speed to Refresh.



Section b.


Speed to Refresh terms and conditions

  1. If you are an Eligible Customer, and you accept all of the terms and conditions of the Offer listed here, we will allow you to end your existing Pay Monthly contract early and upgrade.
  2. Before you can end your existing contract under this Offer you must:
    1. a. Have paid a one-off, non-refundable charge. The charge is your normal monthly subscription charge multiplied by each complete month remaining of your minimum term (as calculated by O2) less 25% (the "Speed to Refresh Fee");
    2. b. Sign up for a new 24 month term O2 Refresh tariff consisting of a Phone Plan on a consumer credit agreement and an Airtime Plan on our standard Pay Monthly Mobile Agreement; and
    3. c. Understand and agree that if you change your mind you won't be able to go back to your previous airtime tariff or get a refund on your Speed to Refresh Fee. However, you'll still have the right to change your mind about the phone or cancel completely as set out in paragraph 8 below.
Message 11 of 17

Not applicable
Well said Bob
Message 12 of 17

Not applicable

This speed to refresh thing seems pretty good at first..


but then you realise that because you signed a contract a month before refresh came out you are gonna get jipped somewhat (ok not really because you knew what you signed for but not as good anyway)


for example..


say you signed a comtract for an xperia Z in april this year and are paying £32 a month on an old style contract.


at the moment it will cost you £32*16 = £512, discounted to £384.. ok so thats a pretty decent discount.


if you signed a month later on refresh then you have 17 months left; but if you use a pricing plan similar to the nexus 5 at the moment you would be paying £20 a month for the phone and £12 a month for the airtime.  so £20*17 = £340.  £40 less even though you have a month longer..


so a £40 (£60 if you include that extra month saved) saving if i had upgraded just a few days later.. no wonder o2 were desperate to get me to switch so soon..  grr.  :robotmad:

Message 13 of 17

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@Anonymous wrote:

so a £40 (£60 if you include that extra month saved) saving if i had upgraded just a few days later.. no wonder o2 were desperate to get me to switch so soon..  grr.  :robotmad:

Oh please, not another conspiracy theory, do you seriously believe you were trapped into doing something you didn't want?



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Message 14 of 17

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@Anonymous wrote:

This speed to refresh thing seems pretty good at first..



if you signed a month later on refresh then you have 17 months left; but if you use a pricing plan similar to the nexus 5 at the moment you would be paying £20 a month for the phone and £12 a month for the airtime.  so £20*17 = £340.  £40 less even though you have a month longer..


so a £40 (£60 if you include that extra month saved) saving if i had upgraded just a few days later.. no wonder o2 were desperate to get me to switch so soon..  grr.  :robotmad:

I understood that refresh tariffs were 24 months so your maths is all wrong. ISTBC though wink


Personally I'd rather a 12 month contract which is what I upgraded from for the reasons I gave above.

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Message 15 of 17

Not applicable

i think i said quite clearly that i got what i signed up for.. but when i called and said i was thinking about it i was slightly suspicious at the time as to why they pretty much said "we will let you upgrade 12 months early but reduce your tarrif from £25 a month to £11 a month first so it will be cheaper"


under a week later the refresh system starts being advertised...  seriously, thats the sort of discount and early upgrade i would expect when threatening to leave a company.. hell thats better than virgin just gave us on our BB+TV just 2 months early..

Message 16 of 17

Not applicable
"I understood that refresh tariffs were 24 months so your maths is all wrong. ISTBC though :smileywink:"

i am on a 24 month contract. afaik (and o2 have confirmed) i have 16 months left and £384 to pay. they have also confirmed that had i waited a week before upgrading i would be on refresh and it would cost me ~£40 less to upgrade now, despite having 17months left on contract.

again, i am not too bitter, i knew what i was signing up for at the time and accepted it then..
Message 17 of 17