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Say Goodbye to Unlimited Data Tariffs

Not applicable
Looks like O2 are going to follow AT&T's lead by getting rid of the Unlimited Data tariffs for smartphones and iPhones.

Doesn't even look like they're goig to do an unlimited data bolt on!

This could get very expensive!

Just found this on Which Website ... ffs-216692
Message 1 of 213
212 REPLIES 212

Not applicable
I am not what I would call an abuser of the data network and probably don't go over my 500mb limit, bit hard to tell when the MyO2 site doesn't tell me but I do honestly feel that O2 has enjoyed a period of prosperity thanks to all us iPhone users as well as non iPhone users and they repay us by taking from us.

If O2 reaped the benefits over the last few years without proactive investment in the very network that generates the money they make then that is clearly their fault.

Who's usage is exactly the same day in and day out let alone month to month? This makes it difficult to predict or monitor, not impossible granted. If "Unlimited" is not a viable option for the network then why can't we have a more generous limit as a show of loyalty to those that have help generate the massive profits they have enjoyed?

It's also a fair point that whilst Unlimited is subject to FUP why did O2 not excercise the FUP against the very few that according to O2 were ripping the heck out of the network?
Message 171 of 213

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Possibly O2 just don't want people seeing real world figures as it doesn't paint as rosy a picture as they would like.

Yes, I'm a bit of a cynic and thought this immediately myself grin
Message 172 of 213

Not applicable
Is the 700 KB figure incorrect?

Not far out, I've just downloaded the O2 home page on my trusty Nokia 9300i and it was just over 600KB.

Thanks for this info. Do you need to download that amount of data every time you access the website?
Message 173 of 213

Not applicable
ancientferguson wrote:
In that case, I have no idea. The lack of PM's would suggest that the mods are working overtime with the amount of clowns that have created an account or two just to abuse O2.
if by clowns you mean loyal upset angry dissapointed o2 customers and just to abuse o2 you mean have there say about something thats going to affect them financially that perhaps o2 dont like. Then id say your right

There is a difference and I am sure you know exactly what I mean.

The thing is, this only affects new or upgrading customers. Only those that can't live without upgrading to the latest spec handset, suffer limited data. This whole issue smacks of childish teddy throwing.

If it was me, I would buy a SIM free iPhone and carry on smacking the life out of the unlimited.
Message 174 of 213

Not applicable
Is the 700 KB figure incorrect?

Not far out, I've just downloaded the O2 home page on my trusty Nokia 9300i and it was just over 600KB.

I bet there are tons of mainstream websites we all use that are larger than this thus reducing the use and that page count further.
Message 174 of 213

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scottscott1978 wrote

why do the networks want to be the same? O2 originally took the initiate and tried to do something better than the others allowing them to steal a lead - why now fall back in line???

totally missed opportunity.

well said I wonder if theres some colusion going on between them all maybe some price fixing more companies selling it should result in competition in the market not all the same i also wonder if this post will make it!
Message 176 of 213

Not applicable
ancientferguson wrote:
In that case, I have no idea. The lack of PM's would suggest that the mods are working overtime with the amount of clowns that have created an account or two just to abuse O2.
if by clowns you mean loyal upset angry dissapointed o2 customers and just to abuse o2 you mean have there say about something thats going to affect them financially that perhaps o2 dont like. Then id say your right

There is a difference and I am sure you know exactly what I mean.
The thing is, this only affects new or upgrading customers. Only those that can't live without upgrading to the latest spec handset, suffer limited data. This whole issue smacks of childish teddy throwing.
If it was me, I would buy a SIM free iPhone and carry on smacking the life out of the unlimited.

Its a good suggestion. Think Simplicity is also another way to go but you'd have to do it before 24th. All depends on the price of the Iphone 4 on PAYG
Message 177 of 213

Not applicable
Is the 700 KB figure incorrect?

Not far out, I've just downloaded the O2 home page on my trusty Nokia 9300i and it was just over 600KB.

I bet there are tons of mainstream websites we all use that are larger than this thus reducing that page count further. Then what about listening to a bit of radio whilst commuting, a few emails, etc.

All this before we even enjoy some of the NEW features of iPhone 4 like facetime which initially will be wifi only but will eventually come to 3G.
Message 178 of 213

Not applicable
ancientferguson wrote:
In that case, I have no idea. The lack of PM's would suggest that the mods are working overtime with the amount of clowns that have created an account or two just to abuse O2.
if by clowns you mean loyal upset angry dissapointed o2 customers and just to abuse o2 you mean have there say about something thats going to affect them financially that perhaps o2 dont like. Then id say your right

There is a difference and I am sure you know exactly what I mean.
The thing is, this only affects new or upgrading customers. Only those that can't live without upgrading to the latest spec handset, suffer limited data. This whole issue smacks of childish teddy throwing.
If it was me, I would buy a SIM free iPhone and carry on smacking the life out of the unlimited.

It's a fair point, many have moaned - that of which I am guilty but there are 3 options.

Subsidised handset (cheaper Upgrade)+ Data Limit

PAYG Handset (Expensive Upgrade) + existing sim + Unlimited Data, this option is only viable provided O2 don't mess with the T&Cs of existing users once the contract term has expired.

or go elsewhere.

Still does seem like O2 is dumping on those that have remained loyal and kept their bottom line healthy.

Also as Stellafish posted, handset prices make a difference - contract vs payg.
Message 179 of 213

Not applicable
I wonder how many people O2 have that are out of contract but hanging on for the IPhone 4 to be released.
I guess its anyone who bought a 3G on either an 18 or 24 months contract and I suspect thats going to be quite a few.
I'm certainly one of those and my custom will rely heavily on what deal I get offered to stay aswell as what tarriff prices are like etc.
Message 180 of 213