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SCAM gets thru block

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After falling victim to one of the scam message, I took the advise from members of the Community and contacted 02 Customer Services, who put a bar on all direct to Bill debits and bar Premium Rates....


However, today, purely by chance I checked my message in-box and found:

65065 -  Freemsg: Lorena Medienagen fur - free trial ends [date] then £4.50 per week, unless STOP to 65065.

Given the date of message and when I saw it, there is a chance that I could be billed for one week.

I sent STOP to 65065 and got an instant retur msg:

STOP Payforit Freemsg subscription to Metro Games ended. Help: 0207 369915.


I have never subscribed [or linked] to Metro Games and/or Lorena Medienagen.


How did this get through the supposed blocks which is meant to be in place on my 02 account?


This is worrying and highlights the need for 02 to drop their "trusted partners" and the scams.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

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Thank you @Payforit_Sucks  for taking the time to give more information about Payforit it is most welcome.  


Message 41 of 79

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Also @Mi-Amigo  if you read @Payforit_Sucks  comment above, he states

"O2 have assured me that it DOES work, and so far there is no solid evdence that it doesn't"

He is referring to the bars you have asked to be placed on your account.


Basically confirming what I said earlier in the hasn't worked for you, though I haven't heard of anyone else where the bars have failed.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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Even more interesting @Payforit_Sucks  and I think you are right that no one not even O2 C.S.

understand it fully.  Not surprising as they are not focused on this issue alone.


I hope @Mi-Amigo  can look into his charge by checking account etc. as you suggest.



Message 43 of 79

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@Payforit_Sucks wrote:


Can you clarify? Was £4.50 actually taken from your account? Or did you send a STOP message within the free trial period, thus avoiding any deduction.


If no money was taken, it may be that the charge bar only works when the scam company attempts to make a charge to your account. This is certainly the case for PAYG customers. They receive texts notifying them of charges, but if they have no airtime credit the charges cannot be taken.


I don't have an O2 account so I am unable to perform any tests myself. Perhaps some one here can test the "charge to bill" bar. O2 have assured me that it DOES work, and so far there is no solid evdence that it doesn't. I have come to the conclusio hat the customer services staff (not just of O2, but of all te networks) are pretty clueless about Payforit. They keep referring to Premium Texts which is not what these charges are! Premium Texts cannot be stopped, which is why these subsription services are no longer allowed to use them.

There is currently a lot of media interest in these scams, so it would be really useful to have  definitive and verified answer.


O2 have previously stated with complete clarity that their "charge to mobile" bar is effective against Payforit charges. If this is not the case we need to know.


To clarify. I received the sms to say "free subscription" would end Saturday and would then be charged £4.50 per week. I did not see sms until yesterday [after deadline] and sent STOP msg which was acknowledged.

I checked my 02 account. Under extras - I have been charged for sms STOP to scammers but no mention yet of charge of £4.50.

So, it could be, as said, that block only kicks in when scammers try and take money. But my point is this needs clarifying.

To receive a sms when I thought that the sammer was blocked was worrying - hense this thread. This was not panic but concern that others might fall victim to scams getting under the block; and begs the questio why is this not explained when customers ask for the blocks? And, why are customers still expected to text scammers at a cost [ok so only a few pence, but it is the principle] to STOP scammers?


Thank God there is Payforit_sucks to help us, the customers.

Also thanks to everyone for your information, advise and support, which is much appreciated.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 44 of 79

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@Mi-Amigo Perhaps you could stay with this topic and confirm later whether or not a £4.50 payment has been made this would help. (yes of course you had to pay to stop ~ understood not good)




This does need clarification from our Managers ~ that bar works even for payforit ~



Message 45 of 79

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Red-hot this one... Should be referenced in the petition topic, somehow! rage

Message 46 of 79

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@TallTrees wrote:

@Mi-Amigo Perhaps you could stay with this topic and confirm later whether or not a £4.50 payment has been made this would help. (yes of course you had to pay to stop ~ understood not good)




This does need clarification from our Managers ~ that bar works even for payforit ~


Will do @TallTrees 

I`ll contact Managers tomorrow when they are back, and after I have had to pop out in the morning.

I`ll post when I know whether or not £4.50 has been taken from my account and if block is in force.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 47 of 79

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@Martin-O2; @Marjo ; @EmilieT 

Hi, hope you had a good break.

Could I please ask if one of you could please inquire on my behalf if the two blocks have been applied to my 02 account.

Also could you confirm whether or not these blocks prevent third-parties taking money from my account - as @MI5 said the blocks do not prevent Payforit; but @Payforit_Sucks said that it is possible that such companies may send sms but the block then kicks in to prevent Payforit taking money from my account.

lus, either way, these companies still send sms and I have to send STOP, for which I am charged.


Thanks for any help you can give.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 48 of 79

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I have PM'd @Marjo  about this.

Simply because she is the one helping with my guide (which is on hold) and also the person who gave us the info about the Bars to Direct bill debits.

Edited to add ...not that should stop either of the other two managers helping with your issue of course. .

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 49 of 79

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@Cleoriff wrote:


I have PM'd @Marjo  about this.

Simply because she is the one helping with my guide (which is on hold) and also the person who gave us the info about the Bars to Direct bill debits.

Edited to add ...not that should stop either of the other two managers helping with your issue of course. .

Thanks @Cleoriff 

Much appreciated.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 50 of 79