on 22-04-2013 20:06
on 22-04-2013 20:06
on 22-04-2013 22:26
ah yes i know the one, my mother used to have one of those massive cellnet ones with equally massive, heavy & quick drain in 10 minute batteries
on 22-04-2013 22:28
on 22-04-2013 22:28
There's a picture here:
on 22-04-2013 22:33
yeah thats the one my mother had
on 22-04-2013 22:37
on 22-04-2013 22:37
Quite a good phone it was a bit awkward without a screen though.
on 22-04-2013 22:39
she always thought she might accidentally snap the aerial
on 23-04-2013 09:04
on 23-04-2013 09:04
on 23-04-2013 11:59
Hi mo
I am not technical I am afraid, however, experienced the same problem with my Galaxy Ace within the first month. i am now at the 11 month of a one year contract and during this time I have had a new mobile (with the first month), a new battery, two new sim cards and it is now back in repair for the third time. Each time I lose my data etc and each time I loan a mobile which is basic to say the least. Besides these returns I have spent many hours in the shop, with the guru, talking to O2 repairs and really haven't had the service since taking out the contract last May. My sister had exactly the same problem and has since had her handset replaced and upgraded. I personally think the problem lies with a faulty batch of handsets around this time.
I hope this helps and I appreciate your frustration... clearly we are not the only ones.
on 23-04-2013 12:25
Samsung handset warranty is 2 years.
Battery & accessories are 6 months.
As for O2's repair service, I repeat what I always say on here - GO DIRECTLY TO THE MANUFACTURE for warranty issues NOT O2!
on 23-04-2013 12:32
on 23-04-2013 12:32
on 23-04-2013 13:23
When are o2 going to stop using these cowboys