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Ring O2 for iPhone 4. It works!

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Okay so after much reading and confusion about how exactly to get an iPhone 4, I assumed that I would just have to sit back and wait for one. I tried ringing all my local O2 stores, ringing carphonewarehouse stores and order line, same with phones4u etc etc.

I thought Id ring O2 upgrades and see what they said. I knew it, "No your average monthly spend is only £42.08, and you need to pay at least £50" Odd I thought, as my contract is £45 a month so how could it be less, but nevertheless I didn't question it.

So I rang back. "No we dont do the early upgrade offer over the phone, has to be instore"

Ring again. "Need to be gold member"

Ring again. "Try instore mate"

...and again "Sure Mr Petch, we'll do that right away"

My only tip is to keep trying. I was planning on making up some story about "was told to ring this number, i was Guaranteed to get an upgrade, speak to your manager, going to cancel" etc etc but there was no need!

Anyway, I hope this helps some!

Message 1 of 60

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iv now been given an order number and tracking number mine is coming on monday and i rang up at abot 1pm no questions just said we have limited stock let me check and he came back and said yes you will receive your iphone monday.

people are not FOS its o2 that are misleading everyone
Message 31 of 60

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people are not FOS its o2 that are misleading everyone

Excuse my ignorance, what is FOS?

EDIT: Don't worry, just got it grin
Message 32 of 60

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i must be missing something... its obv not people on here touting they have a delivery or tracking number etc unless your a weirdo. so o2 must either be lying about stock or prioritising orders when they see fit! sorry if i insulted anyone with the "full of sh!t" speech... wasnt intended that way, i just meant some people on these forums blatantly lie... Smiley Mad
Message 33 of 60

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i must be missing something... its obv not people on here touting they have a delivery or tracking number etc unless your a weirdo. so o2 must either be lying about stock or prioritising orders when they see fit! sorry if i insulted anyone with the "full of sh!t" speech... wasnt intended that way, i just meant some people on these forums blatantly lie... Smiley Mad
No offence taken grin it is odd how there's a totaly different story, depending upon who you speak with, using the same number. I won't totally believe it myself, until the phone turns up on Monday.
Message 34 of 60

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Hey all,

Hope that some of you found luck like I did. I too got a text from O2 saying my phone will be here monday, so it seems they are lying to people!
Message 35 of 60

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Are people still getting phones direct from O2? I called them several times last night with no luck, said they were out of stock and didn't have any, but judging by posts they could be telling porkies.
Message 36 of 60

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To be honest, o2 are probably are out of stock over the phone now. I finally got through to someone on Friday who sounded like they were willing to upgrade me, but then announcement they were out of stock.

Some stores received new deliveries on Friday morning, but even that sold very quickly. Other stores haven't had new stock since launch day.

I was hoping my store would get stock ready for tommorrow or Monday as I am off work and could finally get there for opening time, but I would be suprised if they got new stock in tonight or tomorrow.
Message 37 of 60

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O2 have advised just checking the stock levels at my local store but that's no good for me. Some of us do go to work all week 9-5 lol So even if my store did have any I wouldn't be able to go over and get one. The best chance I'll have is if I can order over the phone, but seems like it may be a short while before they have any in.
Message 38 of 60

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I rang at 1400 yesterday and just said id like to upgrade the lady asked for my details and said not a problem ive had my txt and is coming monday between 9 and 9. im on a 60 pound a month contract and didnt even have to argue tongue tongue
Message 39 of 60

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This all seems very strange. I phoned on Thursday about 2pm (took about half an hour on hold) just on the off chance as i was due an upgrade & was told to go into an O2 store.I explained that i was aware that people had managed to order on the phone.The guy put me on hold for a minute then came back with "no problem i'll process your order just now.

About half past 9 Thursday night i got a text from o2 with my tracking number for DHL advising delivery on Friday between 9am & 9pm. I was a bit sceptical however, it did arrive about half 5 last night & only took minutes to transfer sims over.

I'm on the lowest priority (Thinks it's blue member?) spend £35 month & this is now my second contract. Seems it depends on who you talk to when you eventually get through to them.
Message 40 of 60