Okay so after much reading and confusion about how exactly to get an iPhone 4, I assumed that I would just have to sit back and wait for one. I tried ringing all my local O2 stores, ringing carphonewarehouse stores and order line, same with phones4u etc etc.
I thought Id ring O2 upgrades and see what they said. I knew it, "No your average monthly spend is only £42.08, and you need to pay at least £50" Odd I thought, as my contract is £45 a month so how could it be less, but nevertheless I didn't question it.
So I rang back. "No we dont do the early upgrade offer over the phone, has to be instore"
Ring again. "Need to be gold member"
Ring again. "Try instore mate"
...and again "Sure Mr Petch, we'll do that right away"
My only tip is to keep trying. I was planning on making up some story about "was told to ring this number, i was Guaranteed to get an upgrade, speak to your manager, going to cancel" etc etc but there was no need!
Anyway, I hope this helps some!