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Poor 4G Service

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Hey all. So yes this one has probably been brought up time and again and to be honest I don't expect to get a decent answer because ever provider falls back on the tired old excuses about different factors affecting signal levels, however how about the fact there are constant issues with the masts? How about it sounds like they're not maintaining them properly. How about pouring more money into getting 4G properly sorted before bragging about 5G?!


Firstly I'm going to point out that I do live right next to the town centre and yes I am aware of congession and here is a list of what has been tried/tested:


1. Using the service at night time, after midnight and at times when hardly anyone would be using it.

2. Sim card change over - Did nothing

3. Device checked - Device is fine and no issues there


Literally going down into the dead centre and oh look 4G+ comes up with excellent speeds. The coverage checker reports good 4G indoors and outdoors in this area too.


Is the signal perhaps having problems penetrating the property so I can get the 4G and 4G+ inside? Possibly but that isn't my fault and NOT my problem! O2 and other service providers should have solved signal penetration issues before now, this ain't 1999 it's 2019 and I've got no tolerance for companies unwilling to put the proper money in to solve these issues especially when they've had enough time to do so.


As far as I'm concerned I'm unwilling to accept the poor excuses put out there these days because they're lame and that isn't what the customer wants to hear. If you can't provide the service then get out of the business and withdraw. I've tried a Pay as You Go sim from EE and I get full 4G+ signal - just thought I'd point that out so there is another one to consider before answering this complaint. I've simply had enough now!

Message 1 of 6

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@Terri  You're complaining in the wrong place. We're all customers here. Please see this link:


Message 2 of 6

Level 94: Supreme
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Just switch to EE if that works in your area.
Every network has dead spots so chose what works best for you.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 3 of 6

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I think you would be better off swapping to EE if it gives you good service. It may be expensive to buy out your O2 contract but it's pointless trying to persevere with a network that doesn't allow you the service you expected.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 4 of 6

Not applicable





You sound very much as though you've read the forum content, great.


If you haven't already I would check here


It's possible there's an acknowledged fault affected one or more masts and it may well be the reason it hasn't yet been fixed is that it requires access to a site or arrangements such as road closures


We are customers so you can complain using the link @Bambino has added but as you've said yourself, signals can have problems pentrating some materials and even trees can cause issues, if you go immediately outside does the signal improve?


If it does it's very likely it's where you are and pretty much all of the networks are going to have a similar issue though if another networks' mast is slightly nearer you MAY get a slightly stronger signal.


It's important to note that the coverage maps on O2 and other networks' sites are based on computer projections of where coverage SHOULD be able to reach based on radiofrequency behaviour but do not take into account buildings or other structures, plant foilage or anything else, they assume direct line of sight and no obstructions.


This isn't the reply you wanted I know but it is what effects these services in the real world.



Message 5 of 6

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Actually it's because O2's 4g bandwidth is the worst of all networks and EE has the best.
If they are still maintaining the 3g network you may find that switching to 3g will give you a better signal at busy times.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 6 of 6