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Phone vs tablet vs computer: what do you use them for?

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Hi everyone, 


Smartphones offer so many functionalities these days that it'd be easy to use them for pretty much everything and leave other screens behind. That being said, most of us still have and also use a tablet, computer, or laptop. 


Screenshot 2019-01-23 at 09.52.14.png

I like using my phone for everyday convenience, my kindle for reading needs, a tablet mostly for games or browsing news on the couch, and my laptop for work, watching Netflix, and playing video games.


However when I travel I am happy to only use my phone for all of those activities!


Which devices do you guys use? Do you prefer using one type of screen and device over the other for some things, and why? 


Let us know in the comments! smiley

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Message 1 of 26

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Phone is daily use - calls, texts, some browsing, reading, watching videos (YouTube to movies).
Tablet is reading and watching (downloaded or streaming).
Computer (laptop) - work (boo!) and stuff that needs a keyboard/track pad. My daughter uses it for her homework and some studying (there are 4 websites that are promoted through school that help with English and Maths).

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Message 2 of 26

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My laptop is my lifeline. I prefer to use it (as opposed to my phone).

I do have a tablet, though it's one with a keyboard.  I like to do everything using a mouse. (Probably a generational thing for me)

My phone is totally underused. It's a Note 8 and know I don't use it to it's full capacity. I don't care though...if I sell it, it will be classed as good as new Bouncy


I don't play games on my phone, tablet, or PC.

I do have a Kindle, again, I don't use that. I prefer 'proper' books.

Nothing like the look, smell and the feel of a brand new book...


Reading all this back, I guess I'm a bit of a dinosaur. LOL

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 3 of 26

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Right, well to start with, my phone's are split into usage groups as so:

Xz2 premium is used during the day at work with notifications from xz3 being sent to the Gear S2, the xz3 is used in evenings and weekends. I have a rooted Galaxy S6 I use purely for Pokémon go (dirty spoofer)and other phones are used for some testing and other stuff.

The iPad is used for on the go photo and video editing, as well as used as a controller screen for the phantom drone, I also use it for music in some cases, as the speakers are pretty mint.

The xa1 plus is used as a controller screen for the Mavic drone, others being too big, this one is pretty perfect for this use.

The pc is used for heavy editing of photos and videos with 3d rendering also being done on this, those review intros I do, all rendered on the pc. I also use the pc for gaming.

The pc also runs MacOS high Sierra under a ryzentosh build for use of Mac exclusive applications and features, whilst I'd never use it for gaming on this os, there are some things that are exclusive and I refuse to shell out £1500 for another, weaker machine, or £5995 on a matching spec Mac Pro.

Message 4 of 26

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@viridis wrote:

Right, well to start with, my phone's are split into usage groups as so:

Xz2 premium is used during the day at work with notifications from xz3 being sent to the Gear S2, the xz3 is used in evenings and weekends. I have a rooted Galaxy S6 I use purely for Pokémon go (dirty spoofer)and other phones are used for some testing and other stuff.

The iPad is used for on the go photo and video editing, as well as used as a controller screen for the phantom drone, I also use it for music in some cases, as the speakers are pretty mint.

The xa1 plus is used as a controller screen for the Mavic drone, others being too big, this one is pretty perfect for this use.

The pc is used for heavy editing of photos and videos with 3d rendering also being done on this, those review intros I do, all rendered on the pc. I also use the pc for gaming.

The pc also runs MacOS high Sierra under a ryzentosh build for use of Mac exclusive applications and features, whilst I'd never use it for gaming on this os, there are some things that are exclusive and I refuse to shell out £1500 for another, weaker machine, or £5995 on a matching spec Mac Pro.

FGS!! How technical is all that? LOL

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Girl in a jacket
Message 5 of 26

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Daytime, when I'm home which is getting rarer these days, and at night it's the laptop as I have most of my everyday apps on there. When I'm out travelling, usually for medicinal purposes, I use the phones for notifications and the internet. Wilst waiting for people having the time to see me, then I either the TabPro for rowsing or more likely these days, the Kindle 8HD running android and Google Play, which means I can get all the apps I have on the phones, onto the kindle. I can use Chrome or Firefox for browsing and once caught up, I can read my choice of Thriller genre books.

I don't play any games on any device, though in the past I have used my only ever game of Solitaire on the TabPro. I think it's still installed though it must be 2 years since I played the game sat in the pub. Music is played on my phone with the Samsung standard ear plugs. Anything more expensive would be wasted on me unfortunately due to hearing problems.

Today is one of the rare days when I can relax at home no one to mither or bother me, no appointments, no carers and a long lie in until 11.30am. so it's the laptop all day/night/early hours of the morning.

Message 6 of 26

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Slightly off topic but I don't care joy

Whilst I'm honestly pleased you are having a wonderful day of rest, I'm not so lucky.

We are having 4 upstairs doors replaced. The guy doing it is excellent BUT has been here since 8.45am

He's not finished yet and all I have heard is drilling, sawing and banging. He did have to put all the door furniture on...we just bought the doors, hinges, handles etc etc ....

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Girl in a jacket
Message 7 of 26

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@Cleoriff wrote:


Slightly off topic but I don't care joy

Whilst I'm honestly pleased you are having a wonderful day of rest, I'm not so lucky.

We are having 4 upstairs doors replaced. The guy doing it is excellent BUT has been here since 8.45am

He's not finished yet and all I have heard is drilling, sawing and banging. He did have to put all the door furniture on...we just bought the doors, hinges, handles etc etc ....

Now that would annoy me!

....and by the way my day ain't so good....

Message 8 of 26

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Sorry to hear your day isn't that good.

I really meant in terms of 'peace and quiet', yours is better than mine kissing_heart

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 9 of 26

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@gmarkj Seems we use devices similarly! Do you read books and magazines on your tablet as well, using a Kindle/other reading app or you meant reading articles in general?


@Cleoriff I prefer the feel of a heavy book as well, but as I move house very regularly I now try to follow a general rule of thumb: graphic novels and cooking books as hardback, any other novels on my Kindle. On a side note, I hope you and @jonsie have a better day today hugging


@viridis That's very a comprehensive overview, quite impressive astonished How many different phones do you use on a regular basis then, each having their own function? I counted four from your post but you mention you also use other unmentioned ones for other stuff. 


@jonsie I've never used my Kindle for anything else than working, it sounds like it could be good for general internet browsing though ... you peeked my curiosity, I might give it a go later tonight! I sometimes don't have access to my tablet but always have my kindle so it could be a good alternative smiling

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