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As a valid O2 customer, this evening I received the following text message which requires further investigation and analysis after double checking my O2 account to establish that I do not have any outstanding issues with O2 processing any of my current or future bills.
The mobile number used to send the text requires investigation and blocking by the relevant mobile provider as the text sent included a malicious looking URL which also needs blocking by DNS providers as it poses a potential risk to all O2 customers who have been sent the text message and innocently click on the link leading to potentially infecting their mobile device with malware:
Sender Mobile No: 07552 841491
MESSAGE BEGINS: DO NOT click on the link below (its been defanged anyway).
'O2:We were unable to process your latest bill. In order to avoid fees, update your payment information via: <Link Removed>
For any O2 Security Analyst this message might make it to, there is some background information on the URL after scanning for it on urlscan.io, revealing an IP Address registered to the domain featured in the link above, being hosted in Malayasia.
Despite urlscan (website below) reporting it as 'clean' for safe Google browsing, I would suggest that the link is highly suspicious and should be blocked and all O2 customers told not to respond by clicking on any similar link which purports to be from O2.
on 21-04-2020 20:01
It's a well known scam.
Block the number and do not follow any links.
Forward the scam text to 7726 - It's free.
Other ways to report here including Action Fraud website
How to block a number:
on 21-04-2020 20:05
on 21-04-2020 20:05
Hundreds of posts about this and there will probably be hundreds more....
on 21-04-2020 20:11
on 21-04-2020 20:11
on 21-04-2020 20:35
Additional mobile number 07423 327 211 blocked so couldn't forward text to report but same message & bill paid!