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I'm quite furious!!!  I don't use mobile phone often and when I took up the contract on Galaxy 4 in January (I think) I understand I was going to be able to make unlimited calls to mobiles & landline phones and texts for a sum of £26.83 per month. This month was the forst time I checked just what I was being charged (after registering with the O2) and to my horror the bill states I' being charged £36.34 (including VAT) for the last month's use. I haven't made any calls abroad or texted abroad, called high premium numbers, so how can O2 justify charging me £10 MORE than the contract states...... I would have been better off with 'pay-as-you-go' package using my old phone - also Galaxy, but easier to use than this poxy phone, on which I haven't been able to even set up my email. I'm NOT a mobile phone 'yapper' who spends hours every week on the phone.... I use the mobile less than an average mobile phone user, so WHY am I being charged MORE than the contract states and WHY isn't there a phone number I can call to discuss this..... I don't have time for all the messaging etc...

Message 1 of 10

Accepted Solutions

Not applicable
Doing some more checking and this price would fall in line with the

O2 600 24 month Extra tariff plus a 1GB data Bolt On.

The tariff is £26.83 and the bolt on £10. so albeit by 49p in the OP it kinda looks like that's what's happened.
Message 10 of 10

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You can call 202 to speak to CS or look in "My O2" to find out what the additional charges are for.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 2 of 10

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You couldn't have the Galaxy S4 since January as it was only released a few weeks ago.


A simple search on the forum or on the O2 website would have informed you that you can call 202 for free from your phone and speak to Customer Services.


Message 3 of 10

Not applicable
Not justifying it at all but is the tariff £26.83 and then the difference a 'data' bolt on??
Message 4 of 10

Not applicable

do you mean the s3 as bambino has stated s4 wasnt available in january

Message 5 of 10

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Matters not what phone it is really. Which ever phone, there is a usage breakdown every month in My O2 or just call cs and ask the question!!!
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 6 of 10

Not applicable

Well £5.36 of that extra will be VAT as the price you were quoted of £26.83 will doubtless be plus VAT.

So as metioned it might be data useage that's added a few pounds or you have been calling 0800 numbers which are not free from mobiles but an easy mistake to make as they're always advertised as 'free phone' numbers.


But it is extremely sad that no company will charge what your quoted when you agree to the contract with the slick talking sales guy on the phone or in store. They all seem to forget to metion tariffs are plus VAT, I got caught out with Orange the end of last year, the first bill was for 1 and a half months useage plus VAT so it was much bigger than I was expecting and then the tariff is plus VAT. It's only a few quid different, but that's not the point. It's very anoying.

Message 7 of 10

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Level 94: Supreme
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@Anonymous wrote:

But it is extremely sad that no company will charge what your quoted when you agree to the contract with the slick talking sales guy on the phone or in store. They all seem to forget to metion tariffs are plus VAT, I got caught out with Orange the end of last year, the first bill was for 1 and a half months useage plus VAT so it was much bigger than I was expecting and then the tariff is plus VAT. It's only a few quid different, but that's not the point. It's very anoying.

I can't speak for Orange but all O2 consumer tariffs are quoted inc VAT. It's only the business tariffs that are quoted ex vat as you can claim that back through your business....

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 9 of 10

Not applicable
Doing some more checking and this price would fall in line with the

O2 600 24 month Extra tariff plus a 1GB data Bolt On.

The tariff is £26.83 and the bolt on £10. so albeit by 49p in the OP it kinda looks like that's what's happened.
Message 10 of 10