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O2 shambles again - you think after 3 launches they....

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What a joke - first in the queue at phones 4 u, have my phone, but it's 02 letting the side down.

The lady has spent over an hour on the phone trying to talk to upgrades!!

Orange & Vodafone customers have been and gone already!!!

O2 you are a shambles, you arranged for only current customers to get phobes and you still can't cope!

If the phones where not network specific , vie had taken one on orang eor voafone!!!

Sort it out!

Message 1 of 43

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Yeah agree, really felt for her, she was so excited too. Hope she managed to get one from somewhere.
Message 31 of 43

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Well, I'm not complaining about my experience this morning at all.
Joined the queue outside the Shrewsbury O2 store at 06:30. At that point I was 14th in the queue and not very optimistic.
At around 7:30, we were told that they had enough stock for everyone in the queue at that time (about 25 people).
Took no more that 10 minutes to process the upgrade from start-to-finish once it was my turn and I walked away happily with my new phone. It's just syncing, now.
Lots of good-hearted banter in the queue and it was a pleasure, to be honest.
Phones4U had 1 handset on Vodafone. Vodafone has 5 handsets. Carphone Warehouse had 5 but they were keeping them for their staff. No idea about Orange but I only saw 1 person walk out of their store with one.
I think O2 did just fine today.

well i agree. I went to the beeston, nottingham store and i thought they were fab. like you we got there just after 6 and we were 15 & 16th in the queue. when the staff got there they went down the queue and gave out raffle tickets (and sweets). they also told us they had 70 in stock (35 of each) so we pretty much knew straight away we were ok for one. then obvisouly once he got to 70 in giving out his tickets which he did do pretty much by opening time people who were after that knew there was none left.
staff were really friendly, process was very quick, we were out by 9am which is not bad considering we were 15th & 16th in queue, and even though i was up at daft o clock i had a really good time as the people in the queue were lovely and we had a good laugh.
we could see people turning up and there faces dropping when they seen the queue but come on, did you really think you could turn up at 8/9am and expect to get one or to not have to queue. 😐
I for one am a happy o2 customer and i've even just emailed o2 to thank them for the service today.
So to you 2 who've posted who work for 02 and had a sh*t day, keep your chin up there are happy customers who are very happy with the service today and thank you for your hard work and wot must have been a nitemare of a day grin

Just like to say to all those who waited outside our store in Beeston Thanks!!!! You made our day very easy to cope with and it was a pleasure to serve all of you grin

James, the dude at the middle Desk!! grin
Message 32 of 43

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Your very welcome grin
Message 33 of 43

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no worries , james, I think you served me.

Any chance of getting my wife one on the sly lol .. she wants on on upgrade now.. he he
Message 34 of 43

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well i would but 1: You lot cleared us out!!!!! 2: its goona be 2-3 weeks before we get some more stock unless we get lucky
Message 35 of 43

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"well I would but 1: You lot cleared us out!!!!! 2: its goona be 2-3 weeks before we get some more stock unless we get lucky"

Can you believe the statement above???

1. :robotmad: Us lot happen to be your customers without which you would not be in business.

2. We cannot be blamed for believing all the hype from O2 about the iphone 4 and actually having the nerve to enter your shop and ask to buy the product, be sneered at and told to come back every day and ask if, pretty please, you might possibly have one in stock especially as the O2 online stock checker still says every shop has stock when none does.

3. Learn in future pleeeeeease to make a call to the manufacturer to see if they can really deliver before the launch.

Come on its not exactly rocket science is it? :robotmad: :robotmad:
Message 36 of 43

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good god..get a grip .

The chap you are replying to was nothing but decent on the day . Why and how can you blame people who work on the shop floor for apples distribution ?

are you for real ?
Message 37 of 43

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good god..get a grip .
The chap you are replying to was nothing but decent on the day . Why and how can you blame people who work on the shop floor for apples distribution ?
are you for real ?

If a staff member called me "you lot" I would get a grip. A two handed grip on the scruff of his neck.
Message 38 of 43

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jeeze its called light hearted humour.. and internet hardmen arent really fooling anyway.

go away , grow up .. and come back when you have.
Message 39 of 43

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good god..get a grip .
The chap you are replying to was nothing but decent on the day . Why and how can you blame people who work on the shop floor for apples distribution ?
are you for real ?

If a staff member called me "you lot" I would get a grip. A two handed grip on the scruff of his neck.

You have trouble understanding humour don't you?

P.S, loving the double standards. grin
Message 40 of 43