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O2's arbitrary loyalty reward policy

Not applicable

I always had a good experience with O2 but looks like my time with O2 is over.  Both me and my husband have a contract with O2.  We bought the same scheme so our contracts were bought on same day, had same allowances and phone.  Overall, we both have been with O2 for exactly the same duration.  When our contracts ended, we wanted to move to sim only deal.  Financially we have similar incomes, same credit cards, etc etc.


Now a high street established company is offering the O2 sim only deal (as a new contract) we wanted for almost a third of price (with automatic cashback). So we thought rather than the hassle of buying a new contract and then transfering our existing number to the new contract, we might try to see if we are eligible for loyalty bonus.


We went through live chat.  My husband was offered a £3/month loyalty bonus which he accepted (even though it was still much less than what we were getting through this national retailor) and I was going through the process when the live chat was terminated by O2 (why??).  Anyhow I contact them again and I was told that I can't get the loyalty bonus even though my husband who is in exactly the same circumstances as mine was given the bonus a minute ago.  They can't tell me the reasons for variation in loyalty bonuses and why suddenly the stance has changed (It seems that they don't really have any reasons and the whole process is arbitrary and depends on who you speak to).



The conversation my husband had was like this


"O2 : M***a: What I can offer you is  £16 tariff(12 months Simplicity) where you'll get 1000 minutes, unlimited texts and 1GB data with unlimited O2 wifi.
O2 : M***a: However as you are a loyal customer so I can offer you £3.00 loyalty discount so the deal would be for £13.00
O2 : M***a: Or
O2 : Mo***a: You can go with £20 tariff(12 months Simplicity) where you'll get unlimited minutes, unlimited texts and 3GB data with unlimited O2 wifi.
O2 : M***a: And I will provide £4.00 loyalty discount so the deal would be for £16.00.
O2 : M***a: Which means you will get unlimited minut/txt + 3GB in £16.00."



5 Minutes later the conversation with me was like this:


V***a: Thank you for waiting. 
V***a: With us you can go for 12 months SIM only £16.00 tariff including VAT which includes 1000 minutes to any network, unlimited texts, 1 GB of data, and unlimited O2 Wi-Fi every month.
V***a: Should I arrange this deal for you?
Me: no
me: Because if I go through carphone warehouse, I can get the same deal for much less
V***a: I'm sorry, but this is the best I can offer with this deal. 
Me: My husband who has been on the same contract as me for exactly the same duration has been offered a loyalty discount
Me: That's why I asked you to transfer me to the person who was dealing with my upgrade
Me: his number is 07xxxxxxxxx(name xxxxx), you can check his records
V***a: I can understand your concern, but the discount may vary account to account. 
V***a: And for this account this is the best I can offer. 
Me: on what grounds can they vary? Surely you are not saying it's arbitary
Me: Well but your colleague was offering a loyalty discount
V***a:  please try to understand as I mentioned the discounts may vary from account to account. 
info: We'll email a copy of your chat transcript to 
Me: of course but can you explain on what grounds can they vary?
Me: because we both had the exactly same contract with same phone and bought on same day, contract is matured at same day. 
V***a: I'm sorry, I can not comment on that. I'm from re contract team and can only help you with the deal available for your account. 


This is obviously not right and displays double standards.  I know, no one is obliged to have loyalty bonus but if a firm starts dealing an individual preferably over others that too without any criterion then surely that organisation can't be trusted.

Message 1 of 11

Not applicable
Hi @L_W_Ward

What you describe is reminiscent of the old platinum, gold and silver style accounts where people received 'better' benefits dependant on monthly spend.

We've heard in past posts where O2 Retentions Teams will look at competitor deals with a view to matching / bettering them.
Message 11 of 11