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O2 network problem oxfordshire

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Since Wednesday the O2 network has been down in the OX14 postcode.

All my friends who are on O2 are having the same problem in that they are not receiving texts and any outgoing calls i make sounds scrambled the other end. Anyone who tries to call me goes straight to voicemail

Does anyone have any information as this is beyond ridiculous now. Apparently it is top of O2's priority list to sort but they seem to be taking a long time over it
Message 1 of 15

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Have phoned them twice now and both times admitted a problem with no time on repair!!
Message 11 of 15

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O2 have been terrible in sorting this out.

It is no coincidence that everyone on O2 in the OX14 area is having the exact same problems yet they have failed to acknowledge this properly and claim it is either the SIM cards, general network coveraget etc. The network was working fine just over a week ago, i could recieve and send texts, phonecalls etc then all of a sudden everyone on O2 couldnt do any of this. Yes it must be my personal sim card or the pigeon carrying the mast has flown out of the OX14 region

It has been at least a week now since the complaint about the network been down was lodged and numerous other people have also complained.
Message 12 of 15

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UPDATE: OX14 now back up and running, actually seems better than before it went down.
How about everyone else in OX14??
Message 13 of 15

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After speaking to O2 today and asking if the problem in OX14 was in anyway linked to mine they were able to tell me that the engineers were onsite and working on trying to find the problem today, I think they said they arrived there at about 12:00, glad to hear that it's back up and running now.

@ Jawswing, As it is a known fault, and they are working on it, do you have any more info at all? As O2 admitted to me today that there are quite a few customers experiencing the problem, but wouldn't give me numbers, and that it wasn't limited to being just the iPhone, it covered quite a few different makes of phone and areas. However, they didn't really know what the problem was, or at least wouldn't tell me or admit they knew! It was being investigated in my case as a network problem, but in other cases would not be investigated as a network problem, as often the network team would return the problem as a phone or SIM card problem, they've said the masts in my area are working fine, phone traffic is passing ok and nothing is flagging up as a fault. However they do admit there is a problem, but as yet, no one can tell me what, when it is ever likely to be sorted or what I can do in the meantime! There was talk of them contacting Apple about the problem in depth, but surely this should have been done before now and if it is not limited to just the iPhone, then can it be lots of different manufacturers problems?
Message 14 of 15

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@PF360 - I got an email this afternoon stating the issue was mainly with GSM/GPRS in OX14 and it was causing one side of the network traffic to crash, it also said engineers were on site trying to fix now, well looks like they did as both my phones (one iphone and one blackberry) are fine and my friends report being back on to. hope you sort yours to
Message 15 of 15