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O2 incompetence personified

Level 3: Thinker
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Every year rinse repeat.... :


Upgraded to new iPad Pro 12.9 a week ago... paid my existing device plan off £320 and got my order confirmation through. As per every year o2 only company incapable of securing enough stock to meet demand unlike numerous other outlets who all have stock.


So I go on live chat today to see if I can get an update as to progress. Big mistake... operator tells me because out of stock my order will need to be cancelled and resubmitted to be able to get quicker. Naturally I tell him do not cancel my order, I am not going to the back of the queue. I’ve never heard such nonsense as any normal company will leave order active until stock arrives and then dispatch in order of application. Again he tells me it’s only way.... again I tell him DO NOT cancel my order. Back and fourth until he really starts to annoy me. As such and the fact I have had issues before I tell him I am going to complain... but won’t be wasting my time through the normal treacle but going to Mark Evans as that is the only way you get treated like a respected customer of 15 plus years. He then says sorry and offers me £50. Thanks but no thanks email going in.


So start to put email together and go to My o2 to get my order number for iPad. Yep you guessed it after giving strict instruction not to, low and behold it has been cancelled! So I could be sitting here waiting for the dispatch email that would never come! Phoned 202 and explained story and operator said before I got to that bit that he hoped order hadn’t been cancelled! I’m sorry he said, no way of resurrecting and would have to order again and you guessed it going to back of queue.


Mr Evans, my email is sitting in your inbox awaiting your comments on how your company operates and what you intend to do for a loyal customer of 15 plus years who yet again has been royally wronged. I know, I know why am i still with o2 you ask. Well in between ordering new phone/iPad every year and the incompetence of the process and people involved it actually suits my purpose as a working product. This year however could be a turning point as I’m getting too old for the stress this causes!!


Rant over!

Message 1 of 7

Not applicable

@Shergar Sorry to hear that but your first mistake was going to live chat who as you have found out not reliable & don’t listen. 2nd Mr Evans will not see your post here but his office will hopefully receive your email. This is a customer forum not customer service 

Message 2 of 7

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Not using forum for complaint to Mark Evans... I’m telling my story about the crap service I have received. I explained in my post that I have emailed my complaint to CEO office.



Message 3 of 7

Not applicable

Thing is your 2nd paragraph implies that you wish him to reply on this forum which obviously he won’t but I bid you good luck 

Message 4 of 7

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Hi @Shergar, I'm very sorry to hear about your experience. We definitely don't want things to go wrong like this, and I'd like to make sure your feedback reaches the relevant team. I'll send you a Private Message on the forum now to get some additional information and pass it on!

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Message 5 of 7

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Exact samething happened to me.

Message 6 of 7

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Hey @laz, I'm sorry to hear you've not had a great experience either, I'll send you a Private Message to get some more details as we want to make sure your feedback gets to the right people and this doesn't happen again slight_smile

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Message 7 of 7