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O2 Priority Offer - Wrappz

Level 26: Upbeat
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Hey folks,

Just thought would post a quick review of one of O2s priority offers. Wrappz is a site where you can customize a phone skin with text and images. It really is functional, you can upload from your pc, social media or use images already stored on the server. Adding text is easy, and you can change the font, size orientation etc. It really is cool. O2 is currently offering a discount code worth 7.99, but it ends in 13 days. Ps, you can also save your design and finish editing later wink
Current Phone: Sony Xperia XZ Premium
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Level 23: Casual Specs
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Hello @Curr946


Thanks for this info.


I'd be interested if it was for an actual hard plastic cover, but my personal preference is to avoid skins and they can leave residue on the phone.


It's a great offer for a fan of the skins though slight_smile

Message 2 of 3

Level 56: Guvnor
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I've never had a residue left in any device from a skin, I guess it depends on the quality of the adhesive used. Cheaper skins will no doubt use cheap adhesives and as such will no doubt peel off terrible.
Wrapz use a much higher quality skin with 3m breathable membrane being used to reduce and / or eliminate bubbles. They are able to be repositioned and provide a smooth finish with high quality print that is then protected by a further clear layer to finish the job.
However, last time I used Wrapz the delivery of the skin took 47 days which is a bit poor tbh. By the time my skin came I had actually changed handsets so it's still sitting in the envelope in my desk drawer.
This too was from an o2 priority offer and it seems that the popularity of the offers cannot be matched by the supply of the company.
Whilst the offer seems good, and it is, be prepared to chase it up and expect a long delivery time if you're one of the unlucky ones.
Also bear in mind, the handsets that they offer skins for are very limited and in the case of the recent star wars ones, if you have anything other than a recent Samsung or iPhone then you will be out of luck.
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