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O2 Credit Referrals...

Not applicable
I was refused an O2 contract due to failing the O2 credit check. I have an excellent credit history so after buying and checking my Equifax report and finding it has a high score raised the matter with O2 credit referrals (email only service). After waiting for the obligatory 5 days I got the non-specific and very vague response below. I asked someone else on this forum who reported similar credit check problems and they confirmed that they got the same response.

It seems then that even after the 5 day wait, all you get is an automated and unhelpful response. I've now sent in a customer complaint, but it really seems that once the O2 automated credit check has marked against you, it's extremely difficult to actually get a 'thinking' human being to look at the case and enter into a meaningful dialog that would help to resolve the mis-understanding.

Can anyone suggest how, or to whom I could address my enquiry more directly or tell me of any success stories in overcoming such problems?

Text of O2 reply:-
Good afternoon

Thank you for your email about your application for service with O2.

O2 use a number of business policies to assess an application for service via an automated scorecard. Credit scoring produces consistent decisions and is designed to ensure all applicants are treated fairly. As many criteria are considered when assessing applications, it is unlikely that any one specific item would have meant that you did not meet our requirements.


Telefónica O2 UK Limited
Credit File Referrals (Uk)
Finance and Professional Services
Suite P, Arlington Business Centre LS11 0NE
f +44 (0)113 202 5865
Message 1 of 118
117 REPLIES 117

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Having a good credit score doesnt always mean you will automatically get credit or in this case accepted for a phone. What you have to remember is that generally to have good credit you have to have loans, credit cards, credit agreements etc all of which are paid back without default and on time. Having all those things can also go against you, as yes you may have a good credit score and pay back everyting on time but you are also a liability because you have so much credit against you - make sense ?
Message 2 of 118

Not applicable
make sense ?

Thanks for your reply, and yes, makes perfect sense, but none of that applies to me as it happens.

But actually what I'm asking here is for help in getting thru' to somewhere in O2 where I can have that conversation in person, and not be rebutted by automated processes. There is nothing in my credit history or status that I can think of (other than not being registered to vote at the given address) that would count against me, so I need some specific feedback from O2 as to what is leading them to their decision, not just vague generalizations...
Message 3 of 118

Not applicable
There is nothing in my credit history or status that I can think of (other than not being registered to vote at the given address) that would count against me, so I need some specific feedback from O2 as to what is leading them to their decision, not just vague generalizations...

Not being on the electoral roll at the address where the credit check is done seems to go against you big time.

I have done lots of research on this, as my wife was declined yet 6 weeks earlier I passed the Simplicity one. It doesn't make sense, as we both live at the same address, financially linked etc...
Message 4 of 118

Not applicable
Oh the electoral roll is the big one in my view! I was declined for an iphone 3G on a personal contract. I have a reasonable credit history; so no good reason. Anyway, I went back a few weeks later and re-applied through my Ltd Company. The Ltd Company has no published accounts (new company) and is home based (so same address, and I would be credit checked as a Director) and guess what? Approved with no fuss whatsoever! And of course it is the Ltd Company now the contracting party with O2, so a bigger credit risk! Ridiculous! They make it up as they go along! Though, I have to say, the business service on O2 is very good so far!
Message 5 of 118

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The same thing just happend to me and i sent the email as specified but after reading your email i will probably wait for 5 days and get that standard reply.

I cannot believe i cannot get a £35 a month contract... reduculous really.

Can you offer some more information on registering for the contract as a pty company? I wonder if the same would apply for a cc. I cannot believe i am contemplating setting up a cc. in order to obtain a cell phone contract... what a joke!

Please advise.
Message 6 of 118

Not applicable
Just writing this somewhat belated post-script just in case it's of use to anyone else experiencing similar problems.

I eventually managed to get to speak to a human being at O2 - I think they were from the organisation behind the customer services group that service an email address called something like '' (don't have it to hand).

Anyway they agreed that the credit failure was probably due to the electoral role issue but offered to call the credit referrals team for me to check. When he came back to me he told me that it was 'a mistake' and that I should try again at the Apple store and all should be ok. He sent me an email to this effect which I took with me to the Apple store in Regent street, and after another hour or so of minor hassle getting thru' the process, requiring a couple of calls from the sales assistant to O2 to help get past the 'UrU' check that failed me initially (possibly due to trying again within 30 days of failing), was able to walk out with my new iPhone and contract.

So eventually a happy ending, but oh, what a hassle!!!
Message 7 of 118

Not applicable
You will always fail a credit check if your not listed on the electroll register!
Message 8 of 118

Not applicable
Have you moved property within the last 6 - 12 months?
Message 9 of 118

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I would just like to say due to the amount of fraud that goes on o2 is one of the hardest company's to be excepted on. Your score is one of the followin
1. Accepted
2. Referal-A human being manually looks through each referal which is then usually declined,(even 1 late payment within the last 12mths). The system used is from the credit agency so if your refered it means the credit agency arent happy with accepting u.
Message 10 of 118