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O2 Complaint. How does this look to other customers?

Not applicable
I have been facing a lot of issue's with O2 lately. I can't seem to get anywhere on the phone. Below is a copy of the e-mail I just sent. How does this look to other O2 customers, and do you have any advice? Thanks for taking the time slight_smile


First of all, I would like to begin by praising O2. I have 2 mobile phone lines, at £45 a month, and O2 broadband at home. Before all the problems I have experienced lately it would be safe to say O2 have been excellent.

Now onto the problems I have experienced lately.

I tried to place an upgrade order Friday the 5th of February. I spoke to a lady named ####. She was quite possibly the most unhelpful person I have ever spoken too. Rude, abrupt, and very argumentative.

I wanted to place an upgrade order for the Palm Pre, the FREE Touchstone charger, and a new sim card on my second line number, XXXXXXXXXXX.

It took me over an hour to place this order. #### kept telling me I needed to pay £100 for the handset - when 3 previous colleagues of hers had told her, and me, the handset had now been made available free on the £45 tarriff. #### would not accept this, and when I asked to speak to a manager, it took me ten minutes to get her to transfer my call - she refused, on 4 occasions.

Now, I believe as a customer of O2, I should be allowed to speak to a manager when I want to - without being dragged through the motions by a rude, unhelpful member of the customer "care" team.

I paid for Saturday Delivery, #### then told me eventhough I was paying £10 for a guaranteed Saturday delivery - it probably won't turn up, as it comes from a dodgy warehouse. This caused more problems, and I had to speak to a manager, yet again - after more begging for her to transfer my call.

So, the order was placed, after over an hour.

Saturday morning came: I had the Palm Pre. Missing was the sim card, and the touch stone charger. I called O2 6 times that day to ask what was going on - no one could give me an answer. Either their systems were down, the team were busy, or "they were probably lost in the post". So far, what great service for a customer who spends over £90 a month on line rental, £20 on broadband, and probably another £30-£40 on calls - £150 or so, per month.

To date (today is Monday the 15th of February) - no sim card has turned up, and no free charger. I had already decided to return my phone last week, and called O2 to schedule the return.

I boxed everything up, and stuck the returns label included with the phone, onto the front of the box, and called O2 to inform them of my decision to return it.

They told me the address on the returns label was incorrect, and I should use the address they provided over the phone. Then I received an e-mail a few minutes later, with a third address. So I've now been provided with 3 addresses, all totally different, to return a phone which I am liable for. No one could help me out here, either.

I'm now going out of my mind that its going to arrive at the wrong address and I will be locked into a contract I did not want - without a handset, or sim card.

When I called O2 last week regarding the cancellation of this handset, I was told, at least twice during the call, that since I am a high-spending customer, who is due to be reviewed for Gold customer status, someone would look into my account when the Palm Pre is returned, to see what they can offer me for upgrading.

I said, specifically, I wanted a white 32GB 3Gs iPhone on the £35 per month tariff. I was told specifically during that call "we can see what kind of deal we can do for you Mr #### once the Palm Pre has been returned to us".

I called up tonight to go ahead with an upgrade for the iPhone I wanted - and another rude lady on the phone told me, quite abruptly, that I wouldn't be eligible for an upgrade because my 'status with O2 is not good enough'.

What does this mean?

She could just about be bothered to inform me that on the £35 per month tariff, the iPhone would be £279. When I explained all the troubles I've had recently, and that I am spending over £150 a month with O2, and have been for the past 18 months, and will continue to do so for the next 18 months, and the fact her colleague had promised me a promo or 'deal' - she replied "and? what do you expect me to do?".

My bottom line is this: I have received not only appalling service from O2, but the people who represent your company have been rude, and quite frankly, don't seem bothered about keeping customers. They are rude, unhelpful, and lack interest in the customers concerns.

I could have an iPhone with the Orange network, at £60 per month, have almost 3x the minutes allowance, and the phone for £79 - thats £200 less than O2. But I choose to stay with O2,

My questions now are as follows:
1. What can be done with regards to my upgrading my second line to an iPhone account? I am interested in the 32GB 3GS in white on the £35 per month tariff.
2. Will I always be treated as I have been for the duration of my contracts with O2 or is this a minority issue?

I have e-mailed O2 before with a complaint and I have never received a response - I'm hoping this time will be different.

I am also having extreme issue's with my O2 broadband and I have been since last September. Couple this with the issue's with my mobile phone account and I will not be hesitating to terminate both my mobile phone accounts and my broadband account and moving everything to a different provider.

I am very unhappy that O2 would not only be rude to their customers, but also treat 'valued' customers who have been spending money with them for years, as I have, like they are disposable.

I have received no incentive at all to stay with O2.

I look forward to a reply.

Message 1 of 12

Not applicable
Well, I can understand your frustration, but I hope you haven't already sent that email.
When complaining (to anyone) its best to stick to facts and not add supposition. Neither is it a good idea to over-egg the situation or 'big yourself up'.
I hope you won't mind me being direct and brutally honest, but by the time I got to the end of your email I didn't feel sympathetic to your position at all.
I find that telling someone straightforwardly what happened, how I felt and what I would like to happen is a very effective way to complain.
Hopefully, you will be able to get the upgrade you want, if not you could always take your number to another provider.
Message 2 of 12

Not applicable
Message 3 of 12

Not applicable
Message 3 of 12

Not applicable
Well, I can understand your frustration, but I hope you haven't already sent that email.
When complaining (to anyone) its best to stick to facts and not add supposition. Neither is it a good idea to over-egg the situation or 'big yourself up'.
I hope you won't mind me being direct and brutally honest, but by the time I got to the end of your email I didn't feel sympathetic to your position at all.
I find that telling someone straightforwardly what happened, how I felt and what I would like to happen is a very effective way to complain.
Hopefully, you will be able to get the upgrade you want, if not you could always take your number to another provider.

😕 Eek!

I definitely got carried away. I just had my bank statements in front of me, and looked at how much I was spending with them and.. went for it.

I have sent it. I'm also going to send them a letter. How do you think I should word it? Feel free to use my original as a template.

Thank you for taking the time to help.
Message 5 of 12

Not applicable
Bullet point it, you don't need to elaborate on every point. Keep it short, to the point and end with your expectations that you want as an outcome.
Message 6 of 12

Not applicable
Also on the point of keeping to the facts, your completely off key with the iPhone and what Orange will offer you. Your comparing a £35 O2 contract with a £60 Orange contract. Apple set the prices therefore O2 and Oranges £35 tariff prices are the same.
Message 7 of 12

Not applicable
I have just come off the phone to O2 customer services after trying to upgrade to the Palm Pre this morning. As such I have no phone coming and I am really REALLY ####.

On there on-line upgrades you can get a palm pre with touchstone charger for £35 per month over 24 months. Oh no you cant!!!! After going through the whole online order and getting to the "confirm order" bit a message appears that I need to call a 0800 number... Called the number which is OBSOLETE and had to call customer services.. CS said that they cant offer the touchstone over the phone and that there must a problem with the on line order system and to try again in 48 hours!!! What a Joke...

Don't know what to do... been with 02 for over 6 years but just want to tell them to shove it I am so angry.. !!Sounds to me that the whole "free charger" is just a con. Smiley Mad
Message 8 of 12

Not applicable
I have just come off the phone to O2 customer services after trying to upgrade to the Palm Pre this morning. As such I have no phone coming and I am really REALLY ####.
On there on-line upgrades you can get a palm pre with touchstone charger for £35 per month over 24 months. Oh no you cant!!!! After going through the whole online order and getting to the "confirm order" bit a message appears that I need to call a 0800 number... Called the number which is OBSOLETE and had to call customer services.. CS said that they cant offer the touchstone over the phone and that there must a problem with the on line order system and to try again in 48 hours!!! What a Joke...
Don't know what to do... been with 02 for over 6 years but just want to tell them to shove it I am so angry.. !!Sounds to me that the whole "free charger" is just a con. Smiley Mad

Sounds to me like there maybe a problem with the online order system, like they said.

Why do people think that if something goes wrong that o2 are trying to skank you out of your money, if you would just look at the situation from a normal point of view you would see this.
Message 9 of 12

Not applicable
I have been facing a lot of issue's with O2 lately..

Personally speaking, I think if what you say is true (and I can't confirm it is of course) then you have been treated very badly, and you were right to have sent that letter. Stand up for yourself, it's the only way things will change.
Message 10 of 12