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Not happy.

Not applicable
What a joke O2 are, i rang up today beacuse i wasn't happy with the service recently, just upgraded and they took away my discount, my bolt on for data, also they couldn't give me the same tariff anymore. Even though its been the same the last couple of times i upgraded and my bolt on has been on for years (its free due to them over charging me a few years ago). They said theres no such thing as free internet anymore and i can't have the same tariff and they can't do anything about my discount (friends and family) so i said well i might aswell cancel then, i've been with O2 for 10 years and hardy had a problem until now....she replied with ok then thats fine!! Don't want my custom then!?!?
Message 1 of 9

Not applicable
The discount is for employees and friends/family of employees (AFAIK)
As for the unlimited data, everyone's in the same boar mate. There's no such thing as unlimited data anymore.
Message 2 of 9

Not applicable
o2 are a business, if they don't want to continue legacy deals that's up to them.
As for letting you go, well you did say you wanted to so I don't see the problem. If you can get the deal you want elsewhere then that's your choice.
It's a long time since any of the big providers needed to give silly retention deals. It doesn't make good business sense anymore.
TBH I'd be glad they let you keep your deal this long.
Message 3 of 9

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I still find it amusing when people post trying to use the age old "don't you want my custom" trick then discover that they don't. Put it another way, if you're not spending loads then you're not making any money for them thus you're not worth keeping. Especially when they can easily sign up people for 24 months on £45 a month free iphone contracts.
Message 4 of 9

Not applicable
I still find it amusing when people post trying to use the age old "don't you want my custom" trick then discover that they don't. Put it another way, if you're not spending loads then you're not making any money for them thus you're not worth keeping. Especially when they can easily sign up people for 24 months on £45 a month free iphone contracts.

I completely agree sheepdog. I accept o2 are out to make money (of course they are) and if someone else gives me a better deal I go. That's why I went to Orange in late 2009, and the same reason I came back - best deal.
I'm not loyal to o2, I certainly don't expect them to be loyal to me. Some folk think that being with o2 (or any other provider) for years is being loyal. No, it just means they're either doing you a good deal every term or you can't be bothered with the hassle of transferring. Rant over wink
In fact, as my Orange contract runs out in December (the o2 one was so good I grabbed it early) I'm hoping when I ring up in November to give my thirty days notice, they'll say "no problem".
Good customer service is them doing what you ask (within their own remit of course).
Message 5 of 9

Not applicable
I had a 18 month contract with o2 that ended in august. I was looking for an upgrade and when rang o2, found their upgrade offers too bad. Rang dial a phone, they had good offer. But to my surprise , they said these good offers were for 'New Customers', not for upgrade . They also said that if I took a new contract with them they could give me the good offer.
Rang o2 back, told them to end my contract at end of 18th month. They agreed without much trouble.
Placed order for new phone with dial a phone. Got a basic phone which I sild on ebay at around £20. Got a check from dial a phone after 1 month, of £20 , as I was ordering 2nd time from them, and got £250 cash back (auto cash back) after 1 month. I am on a 18 month plan with 100 min, 500 text at £20.50
I will downgrade it to £15.50 after 9 months.
I do not use much minutes, even 50 min is too much.
in total i will pay o2 9 x £20.5 + 9 x£15.5= £324
I got already £250+£20+£20=£290
So in fact I will pay from my pocket about £34 over 18 months. Not to mention that by selling me this contract dial a phone made some profit.
My question to learned O2 support team, why do you push customers to third party? Why cannot you offer these deals straight to customers? I will be happy to pay £2 per month to get 50 minute and 50 text ( now I am paying little less than £2 and getting , on average, 75 min, 375 text).
Will never understand their business policy where they let a trusted customer go and pay commission to third party to get new customers.
Message 6 of 9

Not applicable
so you expect to be put on friends and family discount without having any friends or family that work for o2?
and if you do have, they will add it on for you.
i dont think its o2 you are not happy with, it seems to be yourself.
Message 7 of 9

Not applicable

i dont think its o2 you are not happy with, it seems to be yourself.

There's no need for that
Message 8 of 9

Not applicable

i dont think its o2 you are not happy with, it seems to be yourself.

There's no need for that

blaming other people for your own mistakes is ignorant. so someone had to tell them, otherwise they will noise up the wrong people.
Message 9 of 9