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Not Happy

Not applicable
After two and a half years on Home Broadband Premium @ speeds of 11Mb plus download and 1Mb upload problems started last week.
The router started dropping out and re syncing up to 900 times, 2nd line tech said it was a record for him!
Anyway they did a 24Hrs line test and have sent me a new router,
I'd already tried two routers, A O2 Mk2 and a Netgear DG834GT same results :womanindifferent:
I plug in the new router this morning and low and behold all is well in the world but at 8.5Mb and 0.9Mb,
2nd line tech have told me there is nothing wrong with the line!!!!!
I have the distinct feeling after 2.5 years with O2 Broadband I'm being rolled over and fed ****, Smiley Mad
I'm thinking of pulling the plug on em en-mass but have a telephone line contract till September (£51 to quit)
and 3 Mobile contracts that run out in July...(£???)
Anybody else had a similar experience?
Totally Gutted
Message 1 of 26

Not applicable
I only have the XTF-68 Professional socket Tony, No test socket 😞

I tried using other micro filters and cables at request of the 2nd line O2 bod, no other extensions in the house,
we even tested with the only telephone plug pulled out, made no difference.
I know that the actual telephone line is very old as I live in charity bungalow and the amount of paint on the incoming telephone line makes it half as thick again :mansurprised:
Ho well, I have fired off a written letter and a email to O2 venting my spleen,
we'll see if they are prepared to loose over £100 a month when I pull the plug
on my families 3 mobiles, land line and broadband.
Thank you for your help Tony.
Message 11 of 26

Not applicable
Is that the only socket that you have in the bungalow ?
If so then it's the wrong type of ADSLNation.
The XTF-68 replaces extension boxes or is used for new extensions :-

The XTF-68/85 sockets are designed to
replace existing extension sockets or for
installing new extensions. The XTF sockets
should not be used to replace the official BT
NTE-5 master socket

If the photo is your main BT socket then it should be an XTE-2005
I don't know if that could be the cause of your problem, perhaps somebody else can comment.
Message 12 of 26

Not applicable
Is that the only socket that you have in the bungalow ?

It is the only telephone socket mate apart from a redundant Virgin media socket.

If the photo is your main BT socket then it should be an XTE-2005

I have a XTE-2005 faceplate but no incoming telephone box to mount it on grin
Could I make use of the Virgin NTE-5 master telephone box or do they have different internals?
Message 13 of 26

Not applicable
OK you have a problem.
I presume the Virgin socket was for cable so that can't be used and in any case nobody other than BT can fit an NTE5 to a BT incoming line.
Legally nothing apart from the BT NTE5 should be worked on so in effect that XTF-68 was illegally installed and BT (if they get to know about it) could get funny.
As I said earlier I don't know if that XTF-68 is the cause of your problem or not, I don't know the difference in technical specs of the XTF-68 and XTE-2005.
Message 14 of 26

Not applicable

As I said earlier I don't know if that XTF-68 is the cause of your problem or not

The thing is Tony the XTF-68 has been running OK @ 11Mb plus for the last two and a half years,
I'm just wondering if I should phone BT up and see if they will install a proper box and at least the engineer should test the line?
As far as the legality of the XTF-68, it was installed by the previous occupants who are deceased.
Message 15 of 26

Not applicable
phone O2 and tell them to drop your noise margin to 6dB.
Message 16 of 26

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phone O2 and tell them to drop your noise margin to 6dB.

That won't clear the fault.
To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 17 of 26

Not applicable
Well after more telephone conversations with O2 they finally got round to getting a BT engineer on the job,
a new battery at the exchange and a line fault sorted,
now back at the speeds I was getting before, lets hope it stays that way slight_smile
Thank you to all for the help.
Link Information
Uptime: 0 days, 0:06:54
DSL Type: ITU-T G.992.5
Bandwidth (Up/Down) : 1,308 / 13,560
Data Transferred (Sent/Received) : 3.70 / 2.07
Output Power (Up/Down) : 12.4 / 19.0
Line Attenuation (Up/Down) : 21.0 / 37.5
SN Margin (Up/Down) : 6.2 / 6.5
System Vendor ID (Local/Remote): TMMB / ----
Chipset Vendor ID (Local/Remote): BDCM / BDCM
Loss of Framing (Local/Remote): 11 / 0
Loss of Signal (Local/Remote): 1 / 0
Loss of Power (Local/Remote): 0 / 0
Loss of Link (Remote): -
Error Seconds (Local/Remote): 85 / 0
FEC Errors (Up/Down): 619 / 619
CRC Errors (Up/Down): 0 / 0
HEC Errors (Up/Down): 0 / 0
Message 18 of 26

Not applicable
There are still some Error Seconds and Loss of Framing which are new rather than carried over from before.
But the main problem has been resolved and the cause was as 3 of us had exchange problem.
Message 19 of 26

Not applicable
There are still some Error Seconds and Loss of Framing which are new rather than carried over from before.

Would these errors be on my side or exchange side, also are they likely to
diminish line performance?
Message 20 of 26