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My Third Phone in Five Days is Promised.. But will it WORK ??

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What happened to O2 ?? ..  10 years a customer.. being totally let down..
Long story short :
1) Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 - 10 months into a contract, starting to freeze, left side of the screen has zero response to touch, I called last Friday, and things have been a disaster since..
2) Friday 6th December I spent 90 minutes + online and on the phone with FIVE x O2 staff (3 online / 2 on phone) 
Repeatedly I am asked to switch phone on/off, take battery out, soft-start etc.. and of course this does no good at all..
"Kerry" on the phone gives me the mantra "you have to return it to the shop, or send it back to us" - is this a LIE ?
Seems to be because I am told as a "sorry" I will be sent a replacement by courier next business day ** Take note folks!! .. "Anthony" in the repair shop, finally offers this, I imagine maybe that will see me return to having a working phone
3) Monday 9th December a replacement Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 arrives (it is an earlier version with more basic layout, hardware & software) - BUT more importantly next to NO signal .. later the same night it "dies" on me, it is a non-working reconditioned failure of a phone.. (spend Monday & as it turns out Tuesday with NO phone)..
4) Today, Tuesday 10th December I have to use a work-mates phone to call O2 - as "O2 network not available" in a very strong signal area -  yet I am offered on the same phone to run on ORANGE or VODAFONE !! - I know this as my friend's O2 phone works when I call.. the Repair Guys are no real help ...
5) The 2 Repair Guys at O2 get me to repeat the same pointless exercises - "take battery out, switch on/off, soft-start" - nothing!! - then "we'll send you a replacement by courier" (so it may arrive tomorrow, but will it work ??)
Meanwhile, no compensation offer, no working phone, no faith in my promised THIRD phone from O2..
on 28/12/2013 I can "upgrade" though, what does O2 think the chances are?
Disgusted by this treatment as a long time customer.. O2 what happened to you ??
Message 1 of 45

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I got a text saying can't say when they will send me another Galaxy 2

.. but when they do it will be a reconditioned one - just like the totally usual replacement they sent the first time, that is sitting here switched off - they say these are checked and passed, yet admitted it's "goosed" (Repair Shop's technical term?) ..  the replacement is dead to the world and dead to any signal from O2.. yet ironically offers to try to connect me to Vodafone or Orange..


One fine day (maybe before Xmas) I might get a text saying they have another reconditioned Galaxy 2 (phone number 3) .. then I shall wait it's arrival, and this time it might even work !!

Message 21 of 45

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Still have no phone today, just contact from O2 saying they want to ask me all about my recent experiences contacting, dealing with them & Repair Shop..


.. no phone though - just the non-functioning phone their Repair Shop sent out - which DIED the same day they delivered it to me ("repair" ? .. "reconditioned" ?).. the one the guys at the Repair Shop got me to restart/soft-start etc, before classing it "goosed" (technical term?)


.. one fine day ?

Message 22 of 45

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In the meantime I have been invited to "Join In O2". That's nice.

Message 23 of 45

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Message 24 of 45

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.. if not the service

Message 25 of 45

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Must be annoying but you need to be patient I'm afraid...

Message 26 of 45

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.. patience is waiting to hear if O2 Repair Shop will send/ maybe O2 Repair Shop won't send / maybe O2 Repair Shop won't say yes they will send, then cancel / maybe O2 Repair Shop won't have stock / maybe O2 Repair Shop reconditioned phone won't work anyway / maybe O2 Repair Shop could tell me they have a courier for today as they texted 2 days ago, yet not yesterday or today to confirm..


.. maybe one day the service will upgrade from "dire" to "better than dire"

Message 27 of 45

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Got my 2nd replacement Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 - at short notice - delivered from the Repair Shop today about 2pm (just as well I was able to get home quick to collect)


.. now keep in mind this is phone number 3 (first died, 2nd from Repair Shop "goosed" - what THEY said) and collected today, as swap for this phone, number 3..


Well after no joy setting up it's Wifi, Samsung or Google accounts, I drove to the nearest O2 Shop, where 2 staff tried - at first blaming "terrible O2 signal today", but then the signal strengthened but nothing, "should have worked by now mate, I'm sorry", so to NO AVAIL getting this one started.. Phone number 3 is not working!!


The only reason I decided to hang onto it, is the thought of another wait for another phone to land, for other / same issues from the O2 Repair Shop reconditioned rubbish :o(


He has offered to send it back, or suggested I keep trying over the weekend!! ..

 (why? it wouldnt work in store!).. but here it is AGAIN, absolutely sick of this from O2

Message 28 of 45

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.. but he did say O2 can send as many as they want!!


I said "you're kidding, there is never a point when they say enough is enough"

Shop Guy says, ".. no, the company could see out your contract sending you phones again & again"  


He tried to help, but could only, guess what.. say "sorry about this" .. 9th this week!

Message 29 of 45

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.. can't register device, keep trying, just like in-store, maybe I should have just got him to send it back.. and waited till next week for my FOURTH phone in 10 days *sighhhh* 

Message 30 of 45