This is a snippet of an online chat transcript.
Tracey: Thank you. And just to confirm, you are sure that the college street store in Rotherham has the iPhone 5 16gb in black in stock?
Victor: Yes Tracey we do have the iphone 5 in our stock.
Victor: Please do not worry about it.
Victor: They'll offer you handset.
Tracey: Your answer seems very generic victor. I'm not exactly confident that what you are saying is correct
Victor: I've checked the stock for you and we do have the stock for iphone 5 16,32 and 64 GB.
Tracey: How many do they have?
Victor: We do have sufficient stock this time.
Victor: You'll get the iphone 5 now Tracey
So victor assures me the phones in stock, I cancel my order and guess what? No stock. Furious and fed up with O2 and their lies. I've sent this to ofcom. And I will be making a formal complaint too.