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Is it O2, Orange, the Nokia N85 or the Sony c510 thats at fa

Not applicable
A Nokia N85 that is on O2 WILL received Pics but WILL NOT receive vids from a Sony Ericsson c510 that is on Orange. The N85 user receives a text message saying "You've been sent a media message from +447966XXXXXX that your mobile doesn't support. View it at by typing in your mobile number and pin XXXXX".

However, the N85 that is on O2 is able to SEND both pics and vids to the Sony Ericsson that is on Orange and they are are able to be viewed perfectly, so the problem isn't incompatability.

O2 have been contacted and the message settings have been sent to the N85 several times, the message centre number has also been checked. On contacting O2 for a second time was told that O2 doesn't support the N85 and Nokia should be contacted. Yet the problem remains if the N85 is replaced with an N70. Upon contacting Nokia twice, first time was told it was that Nokia N85 can't/won't receive video files over 100kb but when questioned further the operator then went on to say that Nokia and Sony Ericsson operated different formats. This I could totally accept apart from the fact that the Sony Ericsson WILL receive both pics and vids from the N85. The second time Nokia were contacted was told that Sony Ericsson or Orange needed to be contacted.

So.... before hours are spent on the phone to either Sony Ericsson or Orange, I thought I would ask if anyone had any pointers as to where the problem might lie? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Message 1 of 7

Not applicable
I suspect that O2's MMS server doesn't have the profile for N85 (as O2 don't support it) and so the server will only deliver content that any phone can accept. You may also find that pictures are reduced in size.

There is a thread on here about spoofing your phone's user agent so that an MMS server thinks its a different, supported, phone. I'm not sure if its possible on a Symbian.

(note that this is not limited to O2, no network supports all handsets)
Message 2 of 7

Not applicable
Thanks prking.

Yes the pictures are coming through smaller too. I've searched "spoofing" but I'm not entirely sure what I should be doing. I am a total technophobe!! Who or what is the phones "user agent"? and what is a "symbian"? and how do we fool the server? Is there any chance that O2's MMS server will get the profile at some point?

Thanks again in advance.
Message 3 of 7

Not applicable
The user agent (UA) is a string of characters which identifies the handset to the MMS server (and to websites etc). Symbian is the operating system of the Nokia N series phones. Series 60 is the user interface.

There are a few videos on youtube showing how to change the user agent string in Series 60 phones. This will work with websites and may work with MMS.

Its impossible to say whether O2 will update the profile for the N85. I would suggest writing/emailing a request to O2 to update their MMS service centre to recognise the N85 so you can receive all MMS.
Message 4 of 7

Not applicable
Thank you for explaining further so that I might understand. I get the general idea now.

Is this a User Agent? (I found it on another website about spoofing a phone to appear to be a newer phone that o2 does support). User-Agent: NokiaN95/11.0.026; Series60/3.1 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1
Profile: ""

Sorry to sound so totally useless here but it this string found somewhere on the phone? If so, where? I checked out Youtube as you suggested but once again I am not sure what I am looking for.

Thanks again for your patience
Message 5 of 7

Not applicable
Yes that's the user agent profile.
Message 6 of 7

Not applicable
Is this found somewhere on the phone? Please forgive the repeated question but its not actually me that has the phone (or manual) its my friend who doesn't have internet access so I am asking on their behalf. Will the User Agent be found somewhere under settings?
Message 7 of 7