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IPhone 6 WiFi Calling

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I noticed that Apple said that WiFi calling in the UK would be supported by EE. Anyone know if that is an exclusive deal, or can we expect O2 to offer the same in due course? Given the appalling reception for O2 I get in our house this would be a great feature.
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Message 21 of 144

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@jonsie wrote:

I'm sure o2 will make the most of a big announcement as and when.

I know sometimes I am a bit 'duh me' ...but what will be the advantage of WiFi calling as opposed to TuGo?...Smiley Frustrated

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Girl in a jacket
Message 22 of 144

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Same ish sort of thing but Tugo has much more functionality.
Wifi calling wins as it is fully integrated with the phone though and may work better on iOS than Tugo currently does.
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Message 23 of 144

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Thanks Rich. I thought that may be the case as I have read many posts on here where iPhone users sometimes have problems with TuGo...

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Girl in a jacket
Message 24 of 144

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No texts though and no use over a mobile data signal like Tugo offers.
It may be a godsend to iOS users though as they do seem to struggle with Tugo.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 25 of 144

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I don't know if there has been any further update on this but as somebody who has just changed from EE to O2, I'm missing the WiFi calling feature alot. Especally in modern builts - the homes seem to repel mobile signals and the TruGo app is far from seamless. 


I'd be grateful to see this feature on O2. 

Message 26 of 144

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Tugo works very well on android but wifi calling is a much better option for iPhone users.

Message 27 of 144

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@Anonymous wrote:

Here is the convocation i had on online support today


Me : i was wondering if 02 were planning on adding wifi calling for the iPhone 6 anytime soon, i know you have tugo however i am uninterested in that as i find it doest work the way i want it to and from using my friends iPhone 6 on EE using wifi calling was a lot better

O2 Guru – Vikas : Yes we are testing the WiFi calling currently and it will be available very soon to use.

O2 Guru – Vikas : Once we have positive results for our tests, we will release it to be used for all customers.

Me : great do you have a estimated time for its realise?

O2 Guru – Vikas : Approximately it will be released in second week of September.




I called O2 mid-sept and after checking with a Manager I got that it will be released in Spet (but unknown when).


So I've been calling again about it and ... one call and O2 person went through to Guru's who told her it was available and how to enable it on her phone.  But she ried and it was not there so she was goign to check and call me back.  I heard nothing.


So I've been calling again and Customer Services/Manager and Guru's and manager know nothing.  they have heard nothing, know nothing, have no idea if it is even being worked on let alone about to be released.


For me, TuGo is worse than a disaster.  So appart from being decidedly angry with the time I'e wasted getting nowhere with O2, I need a solution.  And given O2 seem unable tp organise a ... in a brewery I'm really wondering what to do now.  I tend to be a loyal customer and don't just switch things come renewal time.  Been with O2 for years and have a natural reservation to switching network but can't go on like things are at present (e.g. TuGo announcing my mobile number to everyody I call despite hiding CLID and despite this bug being reported over 2 years ago ..., despite the many bugs that mean using TuGo is a fight rather than straightforward.).


Seems like O2 are pushing me to EE (or Vodafone).


And O2 can't even suggest how I can find out what might or might be or not be happening!!


Anybody any ideas ?

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I would imagine that @Chris_K is the man in the know about WiFi calling. We certainly haven't been given a date as far as I am aware?

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Girl in a jacket
Message 29 of 144

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Nothing official as yet.....personally I wouldn't be loyal to a company that can't meet my needs.

Message 30 of 144