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Just a quick question here that I'm hoping someone may have the answer to.


I have an 02 contract which is currently 18 months in of a 24 month contract.


Yesterday, my IPhone 6S (£600 iPhone purchased through 02 via 24 month contract) packed up and stopped working.!


I have spent an entire day chasing after 02 and Apple for answers to which none say the same.


3 trips into the 02 store to be told that I'm out of luck as the warranty is only 12 months, 2 trips into Apple to be told that the phone has a hardware fault and if I had bought the phone from them directly, they would replace the phone there and then as I have consumer rights.


02 told me that my consumer rights are only valid for the first 2 weeks of buying the £600 Iphone.


Apple eventually wrote me up an engineers report saying it was faulty due to hardware issues, it is said the phone needs a direct replacement at a cost of £280(ish) and that 02 should replace the phone under the consumer laws....


02's reply was that I either paid to repair the phone myself (outside of Apple warranty) or use my insurance and pay half the costs + excess...


I'm sorry to seem like I am rambling but surely if you buy a £600 top of the range Iphone on a 24 month contract, you would expect that phone to last atleast the 24 month period in order for it to be "fit for purpose"?


Thank you.

Message 1 of 37

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Yes you have rights but getting o2 to honour them is a different story altogether.
I suggest you seek free legal help from citizens advice bureau and take it from there.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 2 of 37

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Hi MI5.

Thank you so much for your reply.

I appreciate any help that I can get at the moment, it is very frustrating as I have wasted a whole today being told that it's my problem and no one else's.

I will go down to CAB tomorrow, Apple made it clear to me that 02 need to repair, replace or refund the phone under my consumer rights, however the phone cannot be repaired and can only be replaced and I wouldn't want a part refund for a phone that I still have 6 months to pay off.

I just want a working IPhone 6S that I signed my contract for. 😩

Its so upsetting I just want to cry.

Thank you so much.
Message 3 of 37

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Remember that an item has to be "fit for purpose" and last "a reasonable amount of time".
I wouldn't say 18 months was reasonable for a £600+ phone either.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 4 of 37

Not applicable

Hi MI5.


I am hoping that your last comment was supposed to say "wouldn't" rather than would. 🤔


In my eyes, I think for the phone to be "fit for purpose" then it should last a minimum of the 24 month contract.


The rude lady in the 02 shop earlier today, told me that Apple purposely make their phones fail so that people upgrade every time they release a new model.


ive heard people say this before but just put it down as a myth, however when an 02 "manager" tells you it's true I don't know what to believe. She also told me my consumer rights only last for 2 weeks of taking the contract out.

Message 5 of 37

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Yeah sorry, I've corrected it now.
I'm not sure about them deliberately failing but I do think the 6s is very unreliable.
In our household we've had 4, 4s, 5, 5s, 6, 6s and 7 and the only one that has ever given any trouble is the 6s.
The 5 and 5s are now 4 and 3 years old and still going strong so certainly no built in obsolescence with those.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 6 of 37

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once you get an iphone from the network, they will like for like exchange within the first 4 weeks, after that it falls on Apples warrenty, networks will diminish any problems and will refer you to Apple, as an apple customer you phone is protected for 12 months standard warrenty, if you take apple care you get 24 months, HOWEVER Apple will still support any faults you will have to phone your nearest Apple store and book an appoitment with tehir Genious team where they will help you and rectify the problem free of charge, but only in the forst 12 months will apple do a lke for like exchange, I only know this as they have had to deal with me and my handset issues and do replacements. but in this case its apple that you need to deal with 

Message 7 of 37

Not applicable

I would have thought something like that would be an international scandal if they got caught purposely making phones prematurely break.


I don't think they do, I just think they are full with so much hi-tech that they will inevitably fail.


however.!!! Inevitably for me means anytime after the 24 month contract.


I don't see how me paying for the next 6 months for a phone that has already failed (no fault of my own) along with a tariff contract that I can no longer use.


02 just seem to think that they are above any kind of consumer laws and can just fob people off with a NO.


Yesterday my phone broke and I've been told I now have to wait 3 days for a manager to ring me and "tell me exactly what I have already been told, that the warranty has ended so tuff luck, or claim on insurance and pay £140 + excess."

Message 8 of 37

Not applicable

they cant make a phone prematully break no one can do that! what has exactly gone wrong with the phone? I used to be a manager for CPW and P4U so I may be able to offer some help 

Message 9 of 37

Level 94: Supreme
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Stand up for your rights and don't let them fob you off!
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 10 of 37