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Here's Help Getting to Complaints Department: ""

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Beware, because this company is dreadful...


On the 19th September 18 I went online to O2 & ordered an iPhone 8 Plus as I wished to cancel my EE contract (coming to an end on 5th Oct) & transfer my telephone number.

Order went ok & received the legal emails & confirmation that the phone would be delivered to my local O2 store (Telford) by the 20th. 


Received confirmation that phone was delivered & collected phone on the 20th using my Driving Licence.


Attempted to register SIM on the 21st but was advised that my account had not been set up & that O2 didn’t know when I would receive my new phone. When I explained I had the phone it came as a surprise to the agent. He advised that my phone number couldn’t be transferred until the account issue had been rectified. I was advised that an issue log had been raised & would be rectified by end of 25th. It was not.


I have called O2 numerous times since & have been repeatedly advised that they didn’t know when I would receive my phone (that I have) .


I’ve had a number of assurances that the issue would be rectified within 24 hours or earlier.


I’ve raised complaints through the Agents & been advised that I would have a response within 24 hours - which doesn’t happen.


I’ve raised further complaints through the Agents & been advised that the team will respond in 3 days or 5 days....


Patience was running out @ that stage.


Frustratedly i searched on-line & i found this website who strangely enough seems to have a direct line to the complaints department because this one worked:


I was contacted by a nice lady called Karen and she was proactive however she couldnt get the numpties in the back-office to sort out my account & give me the Service I signed up for so I informed her I wished to cancel my contract. I was advised that she would sort it out and all I needed to do was return the handset in a padded envelope that o2 provided - which I've done.


I thought the whole issue has gone away but today I've received a text and email from their Billing department that I owe them £27, which I think is a bit rich as why should I pay for a Service that they never provided me. 


Guess what, Karen has an email in her in-tray this minute from me asking her to close the loop once & for all.



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Resolver is actually linked to as an independent option on the O2 website.


I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 2 of 5

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If nothing else, it's good to see Resolver actually works. However, as said above, it is linked to O2 in their complaints procedure.

With hindsight, (which is a wonderful thing) would have been advised of this had you posted on the forum first.

However, I'm pleased to see it's nearly sorted. Welcome to the forum Welcome

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 3 of 5

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The Service Teams should be the first point of contact however:


They rely upon a script to answer any question and if it falls outside that script, they are stumped.


Not once did any of my request for resolution, either provide me the Service that I asked for OR to forward my case to someone with Authority to resolve the issue be actioned OR those that received my issue do anything about it. They certainly did not contact me once.


The "How to Complain" Website Process was followed to the letter by me; it's just a shame that it's flawed, not fit for purpose because o2 dont follow it.

Message 4 of 5

Level 86: Prestigious
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@Frustrated Did you ever go back to the store where you collected the phone and ask them to ring customer service on your behalf?


Message 5 of 5