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Guide Updates

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Recent discussions HERE about locking guides a week or so after they were posted, resulted in an agreement to have a section where all of us could ask for a guide to be updated if we felt it necessary.

So I'll start it off.


The first guide which needs an update is this one

Guide: Sim Swap: a mini guide 2017 update 

If you check it out it says....


  •  "New devices come with 3 sims so you can choose the size which fits your phone"(I don't think they do? I thought one sim was sent and you pushed out the size you needed OR the correct sim for the phone was sent out with your device? (Confirmation please?)
  •  Is the sim blank or does it have a temporary number attached? (Nothing is mentioned in the guide)
  • Finally the question we are always being asked is, do I do the swap from my old sim or the new one? It may be obvious to us, but not everyone knows. 

Those are the things I think need changing or added to the Sim Swap Guide. Any more suggestions would be welcomed.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 1 of 46

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Hey guys, we have a new guide opportunity that we'd like to collaborate with you on. This is something we're looking to get posted pretty soon - anyone have some time and interested in helping to draft and post? slight_smile

It's a how-to guide about the O2 Extras, covering how they work and some of the frequently asked questions to help with the usual queries we see here on the community as well. We have some information we've gathered on our end to share for the guide.

Message 11 of 46

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I think that's a damn good idea @Marjo 

As I have never taken an opportunity to have an Extra, I really wouldn't be much help.

I do know the Disney and Amazon extras have created masses of problems. Particularly on cancellation.

Also on contacting CS, it appears they offer limited help.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 12 of 46

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If anyone can figure it out, a guide would be extremely helpful wink
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 13 of 46

Level 47: Going Places
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Great idea for guide on Extras @Marjo .

Although doesn`t affect me personally, reading the various posts and questions seems to be a regular subject raised by members, especially new subscribers to O2.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 14 of 46

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Thanks guys awesome to hear you think it's a good idea too. Now just waiting for that volunteer yahoo

As I mentioned we have some pre-existing information gathered already so it shouldn't be super difficult to put together. We can also get others to reply with comments and add more info collaboratively later on. pray

Message 15 of 46

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If you know how to @Marjo let us know, 'cause no one here knows for sure......

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 16 of 46

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@MI5 wrote:

If you know how to @Marjo let us know, 'cause no one here knows for sure......

I second that @Marjo 

No matter what answer we give, there is always someone who comes back to say O2 have to do it.

Someone said 'turn off auto renewal'...the poster came back and said they didn't have that option in My O2.

To be honest, if O2 are saying 'ask on the forum' OR 'sorry I don't know how we can help' OR 'Not sure what you are talking about' then I don't think there is one of the regulars who knows enough to do a guide.

Edited to add this post from today 

There are generally between 3-4 like this a day.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 17 of 46

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@Cleoriff  let me know if you'd like a new topic for brainstorming/planning the Extras guide in case you feel it's better in it's own topic. slight_smile


Suggested structure and things to cover - we could collaborate on writing these different parts perhaps - and then bring everything together when ready. (Edit: we could use the Drafting Room!) The Disney+ extra would be especially important to cover in the guide.


  • Introduction to what are O2 Extras (sources that we can use here and here)
  • Where are they in My O2 (app and web steps, some screenshots would be cool)
  • Frequently asked questions and answers: general
  • Frequently asked questions and answers: help with issues (Disney+ Help Center related to O2 here)


I can help getting the correct answers to the questions to cover, if we can build a list of these and anything you're unsure of we'll check on our end. How does that sound? So far on my list:


  • How to activate the Extra?
  • Eligibility - what if you only see the paid option via My O2 even if you qualify?
  • FAQs around the billing aspect
  • Cancellation
  • How the discount appears
  • 28 days redeeming window and trial starting date
  • What to do if you get an error during the redemption
  • What if they already have an existing subscription?
Message 18 of 46

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Ok, I will start the guide - I'll post first in the Discussions & Feedback and maybe we can work on it together there - I'd love if you guys can look over the info once I've added some, and see if it all makes sense and would help with the queries you see here on the community. How does that sound? slight_smile

And if you feel there's questions you're seeing that are not covered in the guide, or something doesn't make sense or needs changing, please let me know and we can find the information to add in.

Message 19 of 46

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Sincere apologies, I totally missed your post on the 5th (Looking to the time it was posted, it was during my siesta!) joy Love the tumbleweed. rofl


I'm not bothered what's included at all. Having never had an extra, I don't understand it, so won't be offering to do it. I just need to get it clear in my mind, before I refer people to it.

We are seeing more and more posts with people who are unable to CANCEL the extra.


Edited to add, of course I will ask for clarification if there is something I don't understand.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 20 of 46