23-06-2020 07:39 - edited 23-06-2020 07:52
23-06-2020 07:39 - edited 23-06-2020 07:52
Recent discussions HERE about locking guides a week or so after they were posted, resulted in an agreement to have a section where all of us could ask for a guide to be updated if we felt it necessary.
So I'll start it off.
The first guide which needs an update is this one
Guide: Sim Swap: a mini guide 2017 update
If you check it out it says....
Those are the things I think need changing or added to the Sim Swap Guide. Any more suggestions would be welcomed.
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 29-11-2022 10:36
on 29-11-2022 10:36
I didn't know this....... off to look now.
on 29-11-2022 10:48
on 29-11-2022 10:48
@Enlli wrote:Are we going to update eSIM to say that these are now available form My O2? In most cases no need to call or find a store.
Did mine through SIM Swap. Took 5 minutes
Only if on the new billing platform so doesn't apply to all, yet.
01-09-2023 13:39 - edited 01-09-2023 13:46
01-09-2023 13:39 - edited 01-09-2023 13:46
Dunno if my rough eSim swap between iPhones guide is relevant here, but here it is anyway:
It's often the exact process users want to know (who they speak to, where they get something, et al.), rather than just the basics of how to do it.
Maybe the seemingly two current options (depending on whether you're on 360 system for billing or the legacy one) could be put on the main guide?:
1. [legacy users] Have to get a physical eSim pack from O2 (explaining precisely how).
2. [360 users] As above or can use the MyO2 app to do this (explaining precisely how).
on 02-09-2023 17:14
on 02-09-2023 17:14
A couple of the links on your footer are broken - "Apple case/screen protector brands" and "Usefull (sic) Links for new iphone users".
02-09-2023 18:54 - edited 02-09-2023 18:54
02-09-2023 18:54 - edited 02-09-2023 18:54
(^Yeah, on my to-do list to fix, sometime in future.)
on 07-09-2023 21:52
Mine came with 3 sized sims, and I picked the one I needed by pushing the correct one out.
The number the sim comes with is in clear writing above the 3 sims. I rather thought I could use that number as permanent or change it after filling in the form giving the pac code from my last supplier.
Filling the form which allowed me to change my number was very confusing for me.
Working out what they meant by the sim serial number was hard, after a few days I sussed that I had to pretend the beginning number on the form was there then copy the SSN number below the sim bar code ignoring the first 00 since that is on the number on the form.